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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. WELCOME ! (firebolts thrown) for a warm welcome xD
  2. lk can tank CT due to its high hp + shield. unlike for most. its just like the ninja case though a big difference. since ninja got very low hp like wiz(which is on default gtb). unlike as i said on the 1st sentence. +LK can tank CT even on gtb as ive seen on several fights.
  3. i agree with ray. i think hp% for valk weaps of wiz. since prof is pretty much ok on def and hp.but if its for both why not lol.
  4. the blessed got the same 20% attack bonus(though not stated on current descript.i deal a bit low while on blessed like 500-1000redux in damage wherein that instance the matk% bonus on the rings comes to play). but it doesnt make big difference in stave damage actually. They are kinda on same level when it comes to the stats attached to them, thing is the allocation. the 5% sp added in blessed is countered by 5%more matk to cursed. Cursed is more on the offensive side. and the blessed is more on the tank side. since more sp for magic class means more def cause of energy coat. so this makes the cursed ring more viable for profs cause 5%sp isnt much of help specially when on fbh during staving. u can lower bolts damage 2-3k per bolt even 500-1200 with some tricks. so yeah my point is cursed ring should stay the way it is. its the blessed that needs some revision.
  5. I agree. cause pets now are just like displays unlike on real ro where pets are also important. im not sure if the current normal pets gives their bonuses when raised to loyal intimacy.
  6. if its overloaded in ur opinion. I would like to know what is or are the things u think that makes it overloaded?
  7. i agree on adding more hp. specially for wiz. when using fbh boots to stave. hp of mage classes are cut down. because not all but most uses hp increasing+kyrie cards on boots when not on stave. i think this will lead to a stave crasher boost suggestion again xD
  8. Well i just hope. this goes through >.<
  9. waw. ur old in-game but a newborn baby in forum xD hahaha
  10. If u wanna try new classes u can always check the strategy section for guides. Hope u enjoy. Welcome and goodluck !
  11. Well i like the cursed ring to stay the way it is. why change 2 rings. if its just the blessed one that needs some boost. it will be easier i think.
  12. Red Butt Aura White Satan Mask White Wanderer's Sakkat
  13. i like the second one. so cool erwin. O.O how u even do that. haha i know its hard to add the animations xD still thanks so much for this wonderful inputs.
  14. Thanks for this <3
  15. +1 on those auras. really looks nice. specially the dark lords magic circle though as others said. the pentagram makes it look more magical. and small sparks like dark lords cape as animation(upper part near head). it would so coool xD
  16. 1st of all. i suggest to put both of the rings current effects for comparison purposes. 2nd. i kinda like the bless ring effect having 20% more stave damage. if possible. cause voluspa already got 90% increase in damage in damage. so 10% will make it 100% already. so if 11%+ isnt viable. i suggest to put hit like 40 or so.This will make phreeoni card out of the slots. since stave crasher needs at least 460-500 hit to actually not miss specially on high dex pips. profs will be putting more dex, thus decreasing other stats to achieve required hit. 3rd. i think the cursed ring is good as it is. having 10% more damage on bolt will be a bit OP. cause we already have urds which basically increases bolt damage to 50% though we dont have card for lightning bolt or earth spike. and more bolt damage will result in higher risk against maya users.
  17. as ive tested the extra 30% on bless ring doesnt seem to work. i am still thinking a good revamped on bless ring. cause almost all players said. it doesnt do you any good. cursed dealt more damage when used. i was thinking it having a boost on stave. but dont know to put it without making it too op. or maybe making it more tanky but having less damages as it is.
  18. Bumping this up
  19. i like the idea of a magic circle around the character as an aura ^^, yeah lol. my character is male. yet its like 8 out 10 players. call it ma'am LOL
  20. as said. +1. cause in addition to what have said. as far as i can see. butt aura is the only one ? or one of the auras that got no animation. unlike most auras. I do like the idea of ice emp. but why not make it an Ice aura instead. same ice particles thingy but in a circular form like rop and have animation. If i know how to make sprites i might make one. but too bad i dont know how. LOL
  21. already sold. its been month xD
  22. I think this suggestion is already noticed by the staffs. Im just waiting for their inputs xD
  23. I Do agree. Red Butt Aura and some white headgears are already on reviewed suggestions though.+ this black rop was also suggested in that thread too. But yeah. i guess we should have a thread for this recolors.
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