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sartorius19 last won the day on June 5 2015

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About sartorius19

  • Birthday 04/27/1993

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  1. SO much updates T_T dont know when i can go back. But Hello People ! i wanna see that prof guardian

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheScientist


      lol no man im thinking of playing prof seriously just no one would sell me a freakin prof highness

    3. Rayray


      I miss the times when we handle gangers in fild. good times man.

    4. krefeld
  2. Just some Add-ons. Sniper: A very easy fight, volcano on your spot, cobweb the sniper, blinding mist on sniper's spot, go double bolt, MB the sniper, spam firebolts. If he's on GTB, use deluge instead, then BOS, spam Stave til death. its better to mist on urself a good sniper wont stand in a single spot.and use its traps. its not that easy though. u can only kill a decent sniper by ur skill in bolt/stave combination. Professor: I troll these people with 95% MATK reflect + 2deviling cards, and it means instant death for them. but be careful about it because there might be some other people KOSing you. Best idea possible, would be, just go on your default gears, then GTB, then Stave as usual. i would never troll with 2 devs.its fatal even in 1v1 fights against profs if u do that and a decent one is ur opponent ull be dead in an instant by stave. especially when facing a hybrid prof like me and others who are not burst bolters. i fix my matk in 28k or so. so i wouldnt die easy on reflect. Whitesmith: Pretty easy fight. These whitesmiths rely on buffs. dispel them everytime they buffs themselves. if they go GTB you can't Dispel them. But sure you can Stave Crash them right? xD as ray said. its not an easy fight. though a white smith can never kill u alone nor u can kill it alone if ur hands and mind isnt that fast to respond. same with a champ. though its easier to fight a champ than a smith. so its a vice versa for these for me. Also ur support build is actually a troll build for me no offense cause in my opinion a full support prof should be the usual build but more inclined to the defense role. since profs are already tanky and defensive. u should know how to support in team fights. and use ur skills accordingly. and ur bolts are fatal. ur still a mage u can force gtb any player and if they do so then ur team will surely kill them. You can still kill a paladin but a paladin is almost no chance. unless u can strip them. Keep up the good job !
  3. wew. others already got recolors and several new headgears have been implemented. why can these two recolors takes too much time. i think its been years since i suggested to have em. they already made it into reviewed suggestion long ago as i remember. Please give us some feedback on red butt aura/black rop/white satan/white sakkat. Thank you
  4. thanks. will surely be a bit more active in forums since i graduated. but will prepare for my board exam lol. cant wait for that. and to add. i can have a decent damage on my fas even though using a bow intended for ds type. since i am a ds type. but goes hybrid depending on enemies.
  5. theres no best job. its how u play a job that makes it best for you. you can look up on builds already presented in the strategy guides section. but dont hesitate to test your own custom builds. good luck !
  6. i disagree on higher chance of assumpt. it procs quite fine already. also diagree on safety wall. they are unique skills of int types. and if im right theres already a card or item that lets u use them.
  7. yeah agreed ^ . snipers are hunters supposed to be and since here we have shields they can tank. so the use of traps are just snare and skid. in woe. i rarely see snipers that uses their traps in pvp effectively.
  8. I suggest to walk even a single cell to attract more mob then warp away. this way u can kill more before u warp.
  9. id rather have gec+dwiz as defensive boots normally. dont know how much of hp and mana GEC will giev to wiz since it has the least hp modifier. but the extra mana would be good as magic types have energy coat.
  10. how many int do u have? remember that u can always lower ur str for more int. specially when u are only autolooting treasure boxes,
  11. as they said, there are some other headgears as well. like the blazing spirit but only adds damage on fire spells. the ribbon for stave.but not that recommended imo.
  12. i have a habit of collecting old blue boxes and gift boxes. so basically i just open some till my inventories are full. if ur a farmer its easy since u have stocks of things in ur inventory like most of us farmers before and hereafter. but i simply use the herbs/misc items in the extra and anything that can fill up. if u have a str of 100 or more. u wont really need to think about the weight unless its armor type and shield type +pots. if ur farming by using wiz. i suggest to just lower ur int and and vit and just put more stats on str. ^^,
  13. can it be plain black and white? xD
  14. in addition to what ray said, gunslingers needs rifles, machine gun, cause atm its just despe all day long. and gs is not a glass canon, a wiz is what i consider a glass canon. but it has its greatest counter gtb. theres so many gs who nets 200k hp with 1 tao unlike wiz. GS needs variety as it has skills not only for pistols but also for other type of weapons. so why not make use of that instead.
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