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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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About L2Aim

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    The Netherlands

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  1. some things never change eh

  2. It has come to my attention that during WoE setting up a defense is already hard as it is. Being a sniper myself I feel displeased to see my traps being ruined by one magnum break and thus almost completely making the traps obsolete as a defense mechanism. Another thing is that other snipers can just remove traps with their "Remove Trap" Skill, but I feel these should only be used on traps laid by themselves instead of others. There are still other skills that can be used (and actually are more useful) to remove traps if this wouldn't be possible. So my suggestion is the following: Remove the trap health or boost it by a lot Disable remove trap from other players to be used on own traps If trap health is removed completely there are still other skills that should & could be used: Spring Trap Enabling Magnetic Earth to remove traps (seeing traps are ground skills). This change would alter War of Emperium in such a way that guilds are actually able to build up a defense before other people rush in. The whole last minute breaking tactics are slow but certainly getting a bit dull. Other suggestions as to what to change to these mechanics so they work as intended again are welcome.
  3. The Gajomart are in gld_dun01, just roam around a bit and look for small flame like things.
  4. Hello everyone, I stumbled upon this Rune Quest that is started at the Bard in the Forsaken King's Castle and as I reach Odin I am stuck on the question where he asks about the mighty tree he was hanging from. Having tried a lot of combinations, I am reaching out to the community on the forums as the in-game community hasn't been able to serve me so far. Does anyone have an answer or is able to point me in the right direction? I tried all different forms of capitalization based on the dialogue either the Bard or Odin has gone through, nothing works. Thanks in advance.
  5. GS doesn't have the biggest disadvantage currently in the field. They are playable and I see people killing others quite decently (including james up there). They aren't OP anymore, but neither too far down the ladder. They are a challenge to play now.
  6. Make sure you're not running the client while patching. The client uses the fordata.grf while it is open.
  7. Another TK suggestion/request. I've been killed Chepet recently, but the 1 spawn available sure makes the TK mission seem to last forever. There are other Chepets available for the TK mission, but those don't count towards the TK mission (different mob ID). So I would like to ask if it is an option to enable more chepet (and possible other monsters) for contributing to the TK mission (safari monsters come to mind). This would make TK ranking more competitive and also interesting. If it is easier to rank up, more people will be bound to play TK and thus keep a constant rank competition going. This may have the (wanted) effect that there will be a different class distribution. Also, taking out Leap virtually everywhere makes it not attractive to play the class in offensive/defensive maps (or events). I know this was done to prevent too easy entrance of castles 3 years ago, but times have changed and maybe it is time to revise this.
  8. I think this suggestion is possible, especially because there is (somewhere on this forum) a link to the edits that would have to be made in the source to make this possible. However, I'm not sure if that still applies to our server, but the general idea should bring Genesis in the right direction. So I'm supporting this, always has been one of my most wanted commands as a farmer (for non-stackable items).
  9. This would be client side and sadly not an option currently (also because it hasn't been in any future clients yet as far as I know of).
  10. I could completely tell you how & why. But there's a guide on the wiki that explains in details what you should do for each step. You can find it here.
  11. Please take a look here: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=26035
  12. The idea appeals me, so I'll try to put some suggestions in too. The former Elite weapons (or even the Elite boxes) would be a nice thing to have to vote for. All the old wings are always an option, most were donation items, but as far as I can see no one really buys those anymore, so why not recycle them into voting items. Old questing items are also nice, they are now relics of the past, but can become trends of tomorrow. Consumables seem to be a bad idea, what about (new) people hunting for those items to be able to get better items? About the RAW, the required vote points does seem a bit high, but yea.. it was special back in the days ;p (Wouldn't mind if the requirement was lowered though)
  13. Thanks Kayla for your feedback. I have considered that point of view. If that would be the case then selling them individually and after that storing those items you didn't want to sell, would be the same. If you meant certain gears, most custom items aren't able to be sold anyway, so that wouldn't be a problem. If you meant items you're 'hunting', you'd probably be using @ali and the need for selling them wouldn't be there and you'd store them instead. Thanks for your suggestion about where and what to farm, but that wasn't what I was trying to accomplish with this suggestion. I'd prefer to not have to sketch a situation, but if needed I will do so.
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