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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Monaco96

  1. marin Thanatos or Turtle General
  2. Sasha Lopez - All My People..
  3. i give u the asnwer. Step 1 :- 1.Servant 2.Good, Light, and Life 3.Truth and Justice 4.To use his might to protect the right 5.Humble, Responsible, and Wise Step 2 :- Then,u must go to:- 1.fcity 179 178 2.for_fild05 291 319 3.for_fild04 176 126 4.cmd_fild08 128 195 5.cmd_fild08 128 195(click the npc again) 6.cmd_fild08 81 188 7.fcity 179 178 8.talk to the Prince Theadore Good Luck
  4. 1437
  5. 1435
  6. @vwwhore um weird name. DDoS stands for distributed denial of service. normally what it does is you setup a few computers to send requests to a server all at the same time but whatever reply the server gives those computers, the computers would block it or not receive it, thus overloading the server. technically that is not the exact explanation but that is the best way i can explain it. @topic why would anyone DDoS an RO server? must be jealous dudes that saw how great our server is. and in order to DDoS a server or host, it must've need a buttload of computers to overload us. seeing that our server only has huge lags and we can still log on somehow, you guys are actually doing pretty well defending against it. normally the server would be down. WoW,u like professional,before i never know about DDoS ,since i read Ray post this,now i know what is dat, Tnx for all GMs for urs hardworking to fix this server.Now i can play FRO ^_^,n start farming:-)
  7. woaahh..beautifulll colour ^_^
  8. 1433
  9. The Expendable 2
  10. Movie Bus or Taxi
  11. im not working,im still study ^_^ TPBM doesn't go shower
  12. ouh,nice i like Ferrari,xD
  13. the driver bus is uncle of the beautiful collage girl, ^_^
  14. ouh,maybe GMs still fix this problem, hope u can be patient at this time,
  15. hurm..gud idea
  16. yea me too,teach me how to make the coool sign pls, Welcome Christopher to the server,
  17. aw..10 token for 3 orc hero card pls
  18. Im willing..^_^..if u agree just PM Fearnaught,xD
  19. J Sak Noel - Loca People
  20. nah..ofc nope TPBM is ugly
  21. i want be co captain,but i think i cant be co captain cuz to many rule and i just at number 1,4,6,7,8 #sorry my english sux hope u guys understand what im said.^_^
  22. LOL..i think almost ppl in osfa not nub,they have more pro player and when osfa defense to hard for survive cuz osfa have 20 or more player online..^_^ #Hope u guys understand my english,cuz my english sux T_T
  23. I love FRO and i always support FRO
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