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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Monaco96

  1. ill like Sinx[breaker],Lk and clown for PVP ^_^
  2. Yeap Loki Cursed Blade is a good weapon for this type build..
  3. LOOOOL Ray just let me know if u wanna go raid ok?...^_^ # why u no dial 911 hahhaha...so i can jail him :D
  4. Monaco96

    The Story Game

    and they having a breakfast..
  5. i hope i have low ping like you..cuz my ping 246
  6. hurm.. u also can use IP[0] + L.Blade [Tg,Abys,Abys,Desert Wolf] not very expensive that build is for crit.. this is for duel dagger Eq; Weapon; (Right hand)= IP[0], = IP[1] - Abysmall = Fdagger = Tg,Tg,Abys,Abys (Left Hand) = L.Blade = Tg,Abys,Abys,Desert Wolf =Loki Blade = Tg,Abys,Abys,Desert Wolf = Fdagger = Tg,Abys,Abys,Desert Wolf this is combo card and weapon for breaker. my suggestion better use crit type for mvps + Box of Storm so u will never miss hit the mvp ^_^.
  7. or u can find me and ill help u killed that guy..u can find me at near broadcaster @go 25 heuhue... My IGN: Lustre` Riku0 Monaco ^_^
  8. Waaaaaaaaadaaaaaaap!!! Tyron,welcome to the server and enjoy.....
  9. Wahhahaha....thnx markie that the best build ill see xDDDDDD
  10. Lustre` is aggresive .He will attack all ppl in fild huehuehuehue....but i guess Lustre` VS I am Knight hurm.. let see me and I am Knight at for_fild01 fighting huehue...who will win?
  11. hurm..
  12. Monaco96

    Funny Jokes

    xDDD omg u guys good in making joke phew phew..
  13. STATS :- STR = 280 - 300 (Example: 285+105 = 390] AGI = ASPD 195 DEX = HIT 345 Enough to hit emp [NOTE: UP DEX FIRST BEFORE UP AGI] VIT =REST EQUIPMENTS :- Fhelm+10 = 2x Seyren Windsor Aura = Maya Purple RS/Cape/Avian = Forsaken Soldier Armor = 2x Gloom,Tao+Gr,Gr+Gloom Boots = 2x Fbh,D.wiz+Moonlight[For Running to Emp] Shield = Usakoring,Gtb CLoak = 2x Skoll,Ray+Skoll Accessory = Loki's Seal,F.Str Belt,Str Gauntlet Weapon = Right hand [Thana,Abys,Abys,Tg] Left hand [ Abys,Abys,OrcSkeleton,DesertWolf] Try this,ill hope u will be pro breaker ^_^
  14. Phew Phew !!!!
  15. Boringg!!!! hurm Spongbob time GG.hehe

  16. Nightmare Zero Amelia Kaori Technique ^_^
  17. wahhaha omg i forgot about Medieval
  18. u know sometime Don Berreta can transform to GS heuheue
  19. hurm for me just Skyfall and ~Matrix~ hueheuheue
  20. LOL James Lustre`,Riku0,Cibai<3 is me whahhahahah..
  21. LOL whos Lustre`?
  22. WoW u the best ..so can u teach me how to be the best sinx in fRO? PLease
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