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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by zergling

  1. Genesis has already begun the coding for a SG book, so it won't really matter once that weapon comes out.
  2. As has been stated in other suggestions, delay on cicada+delay on tatami and you can give them unlimited stones. Until then it shouldn't happen.
  3. 3 second delay upon being attacked or attacking another player.
  4. Agreed, it should only be 5-7% the damage increase for priest is decent enough along with the quest length and the spam rate.
  5. Well I was able to farm speeds for 2 hours and was only bot checked once. So how about an increase in the checks because it's a lot of farming you can do in 2 hours if it's a bot that's running.
  6. FBH has nothing to do with elemental damage increases... FBH is a race bonus card not elemental.
  7. Being that you are playing a star gladiator (which I am exceptional at by the way) that means you understand that a star gladiator can break faster than a sinx which makes the book of apocalypse that much more valuable to them being another 7% damage increase to holy. So yes this would make a difference when it comes to star gladiator breaking. As far as the other books go if you play star gladiator then you have access to warm wind meaning you have access to all elements (except undead) so it's pointless to have a slotted 4 book that's got an elemental property, so the only one that would be of any use would be the normal book[4].
  8. Yes and this is another reason why it should be adjusted to activate after every certain number of monster kills so that way someone can't just manually farm items until the bot checker activates then just activate the bot.
  9. Yea, why can't they use bows that would be pretty cool to have a bow super novice...
  10. Why doesn't the Super Novice Link enable the use for all weapons? It should allow the Super Novice to use any weapon, that way there's more versatility in the class instead of forcing them to be mammo/bolt build.
  11. You do realize you can do multiquotes right? In any case Ninja are fine as they are in regards to their HP/damage the problem is that they warp away when you get them near the wall(which needs to be fixed), on top of the constant cicada/tatami spam(which needs a 2-3 second delay) making them as close to impossible to kill as a class can get. The class doesn't need an HP boost, it doesn't need a damage boost, it simply needs to be balanced with the rest of the server. Regarding magic ninja, there's a reason you die to reflect so much, you need to drop your int by 10-20 points and throw those stats into vit, stop bitching about str and holding seeds and improve your base build.
  12. Uhh not too sure as to why you would want these books slotted 4... considering converters are easy to get/make... but yea sure I don't see why we can't have these books slotted 4. The only one I would question would be the book of apocalypse due to the damage increase on the elements.
  13. Yea and is it possible for it to force @hide when you're typing the code then remove the @hide once you're done with the code, so that way it won't hinder leveling while people are typing the code.
  14. current respawn rate is 2 every 30-60 minutes. I have suggested that it be moved to 3 valkyrie every 15 minutes but never got a response.
  15. Agreed, so far none of the current "best" ninja on the server are any good they just run and warp away. So yea Surpream is the best ninja and all the people that are playing ninja and reading this, just maybe you will be considered good if you didn't warp away and just took the death like a real player.
  16. Yea I have had the same problem with the bots that camp Thanatos. Problem is that you can't take SS when a bot is jumping to the glyphs and instantly typing the information in, it's impossible. As far as the @noks I haven't tested it so I can't comment on if it works or doesn't work. I think the biggest issue is that people will sit at the spawn and wait for him to be summoned just to get the first hit. Why not force a warp as soon as the final mobs are killed so everyone except the person who killed the mobs get warped back to fcity or something. That way whoever summoned it has time to run down to the middle and actually get the MVP that they summoned.
  17. As I already stated that is renewal battlemode setup and Genesis has already accepted it and is working on this. This has been suggested a LONG time ago and was accepted then.
  18. Zero is right, you need to adjust your build not beg for the class to get a higher HP buff.
  19. This is part of the renewal battlemode setup which is being worked on.
  20. Uhh... actually the second tatami you waited too long to stave. The effect is the target cell the ninja is standing on meaning that as long as the ninja is standing on the cell(even on land protector) it won't hit him. Anyway back on topic. The ninja class requires a delay on the cicada and tatami before they can get a buff like unlimited stones. You can argue as much as you want but it's not going to change the fact that people were saying the same thing about biochemists when they asked for unlimited bombs. All of you ninja warp away anyway so it's not like you can't store some stones in your storage and just grab more when you warp away.
  21. Yea... I sort of agree with unlimited stones but then again I don't agree with the fact that it will give them a shit ton of seeds that they can carry. If the suggestion for a delay on cast off cicada, and flip tatami go through then this is a +1 from me, but until they get a fix on their defensive status it's a -1.
  22. I already have a post going about this...
  23. You sir... are you mentally challanged? If you give ninja L. Kunai they will have even more damage to their already strong damage. That would be considered a damage buff. I'm not talking about skills that a ninja has to increase damage. You need to read the posts and think before you post random shit. Thank you.
  24. They force the GTB then deal 12k+ with stave so they don't need the leap to be effective.
  25. Considering that a ninja can hit me for 13k hits while I'm using friggs and usk I don't think they need any additional damage buffs.
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