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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by ace_30

  1. ace_30

    Sinx Weapon

    WEW.. >.<
  2. Influence Members best Breaker ~Legend :))
  3. Welcome :)
  4. u need onli a good timing.+ exact time
  5. ace_30

    Sinx Weapon

    price of dex sword?? please give me a range.ty
  6. Good luck every one. carefull about choosing..cause other player abusing to be a gm like the other GM.
  7. Welcome :)) Good luck
  8. yea but influence is the best...all pro people to day is from influence :))
  9. 500 onli..wat u mean details? O.o
  10. wew ur guild is new...infuence is the best man..no other guild can beat :))
  11. ace_30

    Lf Guild

  12. wew...i though u sell orc hero.
  13. yea.
  14. cool color...
  15. O.O
  16. Welcome.. :))
  17. Influence for ever is the best.. :)))
  18. go to forsaken-ro.net/cp then log in ur account.then reset position
  19. ace_30


    how much fsold?
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