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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by ace_30

  1. what's happening guys?? >.<
  2. yes..haha so COOL GM. always alert.. :)) vote FRO.
  3. haha..cool .LOL .. no lag now.
  4. what mobs are there??
  5. ow..urgent maintance i think..whats why.server closed for the min time.
  6. Why is the Server connection closed?? damn
  7. LOLI AND Influence Mortal Enemy Before since i play FRO.but now all guilds are noob. :)) i might go back to the old time. haha
  8. ace_30

    B> Thana 3K

    i sell thana 3.3k tokens pm gm of V E N D E T T A
  9. some one looking for thana card i have 1 card to sell.just pm. GM of V E N D E T T A.but not 3k below i sell 3k up.thnx
  10. Looking for loyal there..not greedy to salary dun need that.just loyal.cause ill give drops soon.
  11. ace_30

    S>2X Lokis Seal

    leave message offer and price.
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