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Forsaken Elder
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ace_30 last won the day on October 24 2014

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About ace_30

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    Playing Forsaken-RO

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Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. GM Danger.pm me when u on.need help about bug warp. tnx

    1. Danger


      hello sorry to late reply

      if you still crashing just pm here or @ Discord so we can set a time and try to find solution

  2. we are not nostradamus to predict what did u add gm's. :/
  3. hmmmm. Daylight saving already up? :/

  4. +1 for this please :3 10 years running this server i guess it's time to release the beauty of black & Maroon Imperial <3
  5. LOL. bass. haha
  6. sad to say so many cheaters gonna move to other server i guess :D r1p cheaters. implement this ASAP.
  7. +1 for this boost the CT. then rebalance the ws guardian ring [ Napal Vulcan ] :D
  8. wait for the next patch. like what gm genesis told to me :D
  9. December 15. and still no update :/..

    1. Genesis
    2. Specter


      Holiday season bro, be thankful they're working on it, even though this is the most busy month for all jobs in general because bosses rush everyone to finish their stuff before the holidays :P 

  10. .
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