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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Drunk

  1. Drunk

    The Story Game

    So then he went to his friend...
  2. A bomb went off in Boston today... Anyone know if Som is still alive?

    1. bigsmoke


      unless he was running a marathon, i think he's ok

    2. Shino


      There are only 2 reported deaths I believe in the bombing. I am really hoping that no one from our community got hurt in any way during the bombings.

    3. Drunk


      One was a 8 year old girl who died...

  3. Didn't Bombing feed in pvp room?
  4. Hi! I'm new to the server! :)

  5. Drunk

    The Story Game

    to control the donut shop of...
  6. Drunk

    This Or That?

    Rod Pizza Or Pizza With A Donut!
  7. Drunk

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted! But, then it was taken by the niggers down the street.
  8. Yes, there was don't you remember?
  9. Shut Up! Your IP Banned For Life!
  10. Drunk

    Count To 3000

    2901 99 More To Go!
  11. I mean have black skin color...
  12. Why don't we have black skin chars anymore on Fro? Q_Q Can't we return that?
  13. Drunk

    Count To 3000

  14. Som told me he could give you some!
  15. Drunk

    The Story Game

    bought a plane ticket to...
  16. False TPBM Loves How Peniz Is IP Banned!
  17. Drunk

    Count To 3000

  18. +1
  19. Psst.................................................................................................................................... Can I have some of the donations? Q_Q
  20. Ima Be Semi Active... Q_Q So... Thats All!

  21. WTF!!!!! WHY IS YOUR FACE FULL OF BLOOD AND I SWEAR I CAN SEE GRAY HAIR ON YOUR LITTLE BEARD WTF!?!?!?!!?!?!!?! DAMN!!!!! YOU LOOK LIKE IN YOUR 30'S!!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. DID VERACITY NOT SAY TO KEEP IT CLEAN?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
  22. Drunk

    Flex Store: Selling

  23. +1
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