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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Versace

  1. Versace

    Enzo out.

    Enjoy life (:
  2. Genesis, i love you.
  3. Versace

    This or that

    Understand breakdance or salsa
  4. 10/10 for loving you. -3258 for appreciating him.
  5. Versace

    This or that

    Neither. Colored pencils or markers
  6. Versace

    Join my campaign

    Funny you'd say that.
  7. Versace

    This or that

    Depends on the case, mostly peace. myspace or facebook :]
  8. Versace

    Join my campaign

    His first language isn't English. Give him a break. The point of the campaign has no part in spelling either way, it's the meaning behind it.
  9. Versace

    This or that

    Fast foward. Hero or citizen
  10. Versace

    This or that

    I still see no difference. Braids. Backspace or enter
  11. Versace

    This or that

    Whats the difference? Lunch or Dinner
  12. Versace

    This or that

    Soothe Hard of soft
  13. Optimism leads the blind
  14. Versace

    This or that

    playing sports vent or teamspeak
  15. Versace

    This or that

    Ink Sheep or Llama
  16. Kiel please.
  17. Lmao.. Nigga.
  18. Versace

    New player :D

    Welcome (:
  19. Versace

    This or that

    History Dancing or Playing sports
  20. Aww you're so sweet Damascus :]
  21. Versace

    This or that

    Bold. Gum or Tic Tacs?
  22. Umbrella.. eh eh eh eh eh...
  23. You shouldn't, you portray me in a foul manner.
  24. Versace

    This or that

    Sour Air heads or Bubble tape?
  25. Versace

    This or that

    MC Hammer. Apples or Bananas?
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