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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Versace

  1. 4.7/10 You're improving.. Don't add to many borders though :]
  2. Versace

    This or that

    See Feel or touch?
  3. Versace


    If you still need help with leeching you can PM me
  4. Don't use scriptina, it's killing all sigs D:
  5. If you decide on changing it lower the magenta-ness too.
  6. Versace

    Selling FBH

    PM me in game
  7. Versace

    S> This

    Interested in dex belts
  8. Interested in 1 tao
  9. Have a great life Sig :]
  10. capture the white from the rose and mess with the color balance lower the saturation, etc.. whatever it takes.. you can do it xP
  11. 9.7/10 :]
  12. Bump
  13. Change the color then. The background draws more attention then the actual rose does though, maybe a lighter more subtle shade?
  14. The background is nice although i don't agree with the choice of color through out your composition.. The render itself.. sucks brings down the composition even more. I'd give it a 7/10
  15. Versace

    This or that

    close. now or never
  16. I WANT TO DO IT ):
  17. Versace

    This or that

    listen.. Pepsi or coke
  18. Versace

    This or that

    Neither? should or shouldn't..
  19. are you still looking for another siggy, i'll do it for coupons
  20. Versace

    This or that

    Gun Alcohol or Juice
  21. Currently Buying: Kiel | FBH | Night Aura && Trading white BF wings for Angeling wings PM Versace | Baile | Couture or L2Aim
  22. Versace

    This or that

    Clever PvP or anthell
  23. 5/10 The upper part of the robot is cutting off.. The bot itself is to bright that it takes away from everything I don't like how you brought together the colors.. The typography.. The background.. Just work on that stuff & you'll get better <3
  24. Versace

    This or that

    Wisin y Yandel Safari or PvP
  25. Versace

    Flush Quitting~

    TY for everything Flush :] Keep in touch. Keep the vent idea in mind.
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