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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Versace

  1. Mike, Stop being so god damn sexy ;] jk; no pedo.
  2. Versace

    This or that

    Kissable. To play or not to play? (:
  3. You'd look better in pink then red or white. Complexion, etc.
  4. I'm in love with this shirt I got.. :] To bad my webcam sucks :[
  5. NICE SIG TICK. ;];];]
  6. Versace

    Bad Tippers

    I did argue for my money back with my reciept; I did write 0 on the tip part as well.
  7. People call me elli or ami a lot;; idk why. :[ oh btw; Biscuit = Amii irl
  8. I do that sometimes... not even gonna lie ;/
  9. Versace

    Bad Tippers

    Sometimes they dont deserve shit. A couple of friends and I went to a resteraunt and we tipped this girl 40 dollars cash. I paid for my meal with my card though and she charged me an extra 25 dollars so she could pocket it as a tip. On top of that;; when I went to go get my money back the head manager was a complete bitch about it and one of his employees came up to me and said sorry for his behavior. Seriously.
  10. sorry, i look up to you qq.
  11. ilyjae. zack, you're ugly. gdiaf.
  12. UHMMM F&F1,2,3. idk i watch a shit load of movies but not one movie has really reached my "favorites"
  13. If you read some comments people have towards my pictures there's always haters. They're just jealous that they don't look good irl. Ignore them. You're really pretty btw :]
  14. No caekface. 4jae&dina w/ caek cause dina asked
  15. Just kidding. It's interesting... I personally wouldn't use it.
  16. I don't like how most of the graphic editing is done on the side.
  17. How can an ugly girl look sexy? You're so smelly.
  18. You can tell from the corners of his eyes that it is colored contacts. You can tell from the style of the photos that they were touched up, not necessarily photoshop-- any editing program... But nice haircut :)
  19. noes.
  20. 4ELLI&JAE; This is me before me & my friend went to the wedding thingyyy. she's in the bkground trying on her dress /edit k see jae, not that much eyeliner-- the eyeshadow is a bit washed out here though
  21. I love it. :]
  22. Derek I gave you a sig; in return I want your picture on the post your picture thread. >:[
  23. i'd hit that. don't tell sarhan. ily.
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