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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by chalkzone

  1. chalkzone

    This or that

    sleep, napping gives me a headache Judo or Karate?
  2. chalkzone

    This or that

    I dont really watch basketball but since Celtics sounds coolor that Pistons Celtics xD Samurais or Ninjas
  3. Indeed we do In fact, I sleep very late, lets say 2-3am, just to untiringly browse all over the forums and make posts. sometimes i find myself more active here than in-game. Mostly just 4hours in-game. and the rest here.
  4. just one big important question? HOW DO YOU PIN CRAPS LIKE THIS ONE? this topic should be a classic
  5. It's ok... I explode sometimes... Sorry din. but you know what, i admit sometimes i find myself saying the same words you've said. EDIT:ILAGAY NALANG NATEN LHT NG SISI KAY ECIZEN PRA MSAYA. AWTS SALBAHE K... MUHKANG MARTIAN? HAHAHAHA
  6. What does a Skill point Seller do? Could you thoroughly explain it to me? and what does the magical emp aura looks like? I hope it looks like the aura when you reach lvl99 in commercial servers.
  7. chalkzone

    what the fuck?

    GOD IS GOOD! He made certain people to be that crazy and utterly stupid so people like us would have something to watch and enjoy. I love the world <3
  8. chalkzone

    This or that

    Since Vanguard was too lame and didnt post his question, and pratically killing the thread. Asian or Latin girls /rice
  9. It was broken into pieces a long time ago when they started saying "FUK U HITLER!" to each other for no reason. and BTW, just to make it clear, making an comment for someone's answer is not against my Topic rules. Just don't do flaming comments, and only I have the right to *BUMP* this topic in-case i becomes dead LOL harharharhar
  10. Never had been said better by anyone. Hail Lord Damascus!
  11. T_T why does it have to be my topic. It was purely meant for filling the blanks...
  12. chalkzone

    This or that

    sorry for the double post, its due to Connection error that i refreshed xP Vanguard? LOL? BTW you didnt post ur question.
  13. I think she was talking about the picture of you, dude... My cat was sitting beside me, then i view ur pics. It ran as fast as it could outside the house T_T and now its ur fault that i have to find her
  14. chalkzone

    This or that

    T_T Pa baps(or pa FCp rather) (since this wasnt answered correctly before ill repost it) A real girl w/ Big Chunky muscles or A Hot Chick w/ Male Genitals /gg
  15. chalkzone

    This or that

    T_T Pa baps(or pa FCp rather) (since this wasnt answered correctly before ill repost it) A real girl w/ Big Chunky muscles or A Hot Chick w/ Male Genitals /gg
  16. chalkzone

    This or that

    both awesomely kills but, its more fun watching people dying becoz of Chemical Weapons Cyborgs or Mutants?
  17. chalkzone

    This or that

    AK-47, it definitely looks cooler than M16 Magic or Techno?
  18. Welcome to FRO. -[GM]Defiance was too shocked that he edited this post. No more Nazi comments. It scares people off-
  19. chalkzone

    This or that

    Fly... Forum Flaming or Broadcaster Spamming /gg
  20. chalkzone

    This or that

    Sorry Rin-chan but I prefer being a werewolf ^^ Tea or Coffee
  21. Ung nga ung point kaya ngpost aq. xe ang puti q s pic. ga2wa sna aq ng The grudge chalk version LOL yang pic nga n yn gs2 q gayahin kaso.... Narealize q n ang hirap pla mgpakapangit pag GWAPO k
  22. hmm quite awful i think... sounds kinda hard but thats the truth. Faye looked like she got mumps. hmm shadings are kinda ok...
  23. chalkzone

    face down

    w/o a doubt, I totally agree. Fuck you Nazi Nescafe!!!
  24. Chalkzone's Midnight madness... I feel Crazy last night for no reason, maybe it's becoz of the moon I've used a webcam for this, so it's kinda blurry The mushroom kid
  25. Is that Pic taken for your funeral? Coz it looks that way. joke
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