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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by chalkzone

  1. LoL. why does Mike always barge in threads just to hunt down Ryoji's statements? This is quite amusing.
  2. fair enough but not totally. TPBM is addicted to this thread
  3. /sob no one even bothered to view my sig to crit&rate it, except Gilga, who actually didn't gave a rating. but thnx anyway
  4. what the hell does an ice pick have to do w/ repairer?
  5. ^^ I combined the Lord Knight sprite with Kiel's sprite Rin-chan gave me this anime pics then asked me to make a siggy for her. but since i don't have a photoshop, i used MS paint Please Crit&Rate... and don't laugh... Thanks.
  6. chalkzone

    Hello =3

    /swt FUK U HITLERWelcome to FRO. Enjoy ur stay.
  8. FalseTrue :P TPBM shaves his/her pubic area
  9. Yeah, i kinda suspiciuos for a reason. What does "GZN" stands for? I think its the name of original designer of this sig.
  10. I really laugh hard when I first saw this. I give two thumbs up for the editor of this video.
  11. Like I said, it was just a mere example on how to use @name. /3swt I don't even really know her. BTW is she somewhat related to Ronald McDonald? :blink: Coz her hair looks kinda familiar. Jk :P
  12. /omg It's really frightening to find out that you were chatting with a Psychopath capable of breaking out loose. :o jK :P
  13. Yes indeedFUK U Hitler!! ^_^ TPBM likes fucking his GF hardcore
  14. I dont :) In fact, I feel like floating in Heaven right now :wub: ... Lalala lala la lala... /lv TPBM is eating potato chips right now.
  15. chalkzone

    This or that

    stones? Arnold Schwazeneiger or Sylvester Stalone And so does beer...
  16. Oi sira ulo ka talaga... Pinahi2rapan mo ung kapatid mo gumawa ng Sig sa paint eh marunong k nmn mgphotoshop. Eh kung turuan mo kaya sya? payong lang nman
  17. Hmm... I already did that to his wiz, but he said, "Hey chalk, it's me Walshy", :huh: even though we are very far from being close that point of time. Walshy is against GTB nerf right? :angry: KOS WALSHY!!! :P ilu<3
  18. Who were you again? :huh: Stride right? Welcome to Forums :P
  19. :blink: For God's sake, her birthday was days ago :huh:
  20. Nah. TPBM thinks that Damascus has a Vagina
  21. Hell yeah! My Blueś Clues is about to die of boredom inside Character Selection TPBM is so horny right now.
  22. chalkzone

    This or that

    Lord Knight Blind or Deaf
  23. False, wolves are better!!! TPBM really don't care who the person below him/her would be.
  24. /swt "@Wizardry" means her message is for you. Just like, @chalkzone, @icarus For example, @Genesis FUK U Hitler!! @kouch Hayley sucks. (Those were just mere examples) Just like that.
  25. Fresh from the oven... photo taken 10mins ago..
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