^^ I combined the Lord Knight sprite with Kiel's sprite
Rin-chan gave me this anime pics then asked me to make a siggy for her. but since i don't have a photoshop, i used MS paint
Please Crit&Rate... and don't laugh... Thanks.
Like I said, it was just a mere example on how to use @name. /3swt I don't even really know her.
BTW is she somewhat related to Ronald McDonald? :blink: Coz her hair looks kinda familiar. Jk :P
Oi sira ulo ka talaga... Pinahi2rapan mo ung kapatid mo gumawa ng Sig sa paint eh marunong k nmn mgphotoshop.
Eh kung turuan mo kaya sya? payong lang nman
Hmm... I already did that to his wiz, but he said, "Hey chalk, it's me Walshy", :huh: even though we are very far from being close that point of time.
Walshy is against GTB nerf right? :angry:
/swt "@Wizardry" means her message is for you. Just like, @chalkzone, @icarus
For example,
@Genesis FUK U Hitler!!
@kouch Hayley sucks.
(Those were just mere examples)
Just like that.