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Everything posted by chalkzone
Not entirely but yes. TPBM is bored thats why he/she posted here
I LOVE RIN-CHAN /kus Belive it or not, I'm devoted and loyal to her... I love playing MPOG Browser-based games The greatest fact of all, so great it might change your life, Chalky is So Incredibly Awesome. @Armani Adopt me :P
Well, if you're muscles get too big, you lose your flexibility. Before you even know it, you can't reach your back anymore. :P
Maybe, :unsure: TPBM is wetting his bed everynight. EDIT: I didn't know this topic already got pinned. sweet!
Ifrit rings doesn't have spell breaker. @Shrine But yes, he might have been using them, ifrit rings. And also he might have been wearing Detale card thats why he casts spell break. And what kind of hat are you talking about?
No buddy, you got that wrong. Chalky is most incredibly AWESOME person in this server. Yes indeed, I am awesomeness, and the awesomeness is me. @Nari Yeah, a lot of changes here. Like, you can still suck and die even if you own a thana. Lots of new items, Non-donation PVP, Elite Quest.
Incredibly Fucking Amazing!! You have GODlike hands!! EDIT: She's not from earth. I think she's an alien from the future :rolleyes:
Sorry Walshey But that was a screenshot. :P I can't do anything about it. I can't change the hairstyle or else it wouldn't be authentic. EDIT: I didn't realized I posted in the wrong section until right now. :P Sorry. I hope there's a GM kind enough to move this in GFX art section ^_^
^_^ Hello! Welcome back to FRO! If you wanna have some chit-chat, PM me. My IGNs are list below on my sig. See yah In-game!
This signature I made when we got married in FRO a while ago. I dedicate this to my precious love, Rin-chan.
Uhmmm..... I already am in Philippines. If you wanna meet me here's my address, 275 Meadowville subd. BPS Imus, Cavite. /heh TPBM thinks that me and Rin-chan are meant for each other
FYI, Me and Rin-chan always see each other through webcam while chatting in YM. Yes, we are more than e-lationshits in FRO. As a matter of fact, She already wanted to quit and so we decided to find another game we could both play together. And we only get married in FRO coz I requested it from her. But ultimately, our relationship has already grown beyond FRO. I won't hate you coz Chalky is incredibly Awesome!!
>.< yeah i know, dont say it all out. your embarrassing me. I've just killed him 7x in the pvp room a while ago. Damn, I thought I've teached him well in pvp, I guess not. Anyways, ^^ I really feel that Rin-chan is the one. Although she's miles away from me, we always talk in and out of FRO. I hope this would last a lifetime ^_^ Rin-chan is a great girl. And we love each other and thats what's important. Trusting each other, good communication, and being truthful are the key to a successful relationship.
No I wont hate you. Coz I'm incredibly Awesome! Hahaha I laughed at those pix, i didnt know you have them ^_^ It's good to remember the good old times ^_^ And don't remind me of being a Sinx, I suck at it :P
Me and my girlfriend got married ^_^ I don't care if you call it e-love or e-relationship I know that I love her enough to defy distance. THANKS [GM]WRATH!!!
Oh hello there.. ^_^ Nice meeting you. Hope to meet you in-game. Just gladly ask if you need some help.
As I walked unto the valley of shadows, I no longer feel sorrow, anger, nor fear. And never even felt pain. Thus, all I had was emptiness. There's no wind yet it chills me to be there, in the darkest part of my heart. I hid myself in the shadows that my sufferings had created. I fell so deep that no light can touch me. And my heart has been forever consumed by the nothingness that have grown inside me. And so, he died that day. But his memories will forever remain. I came back to the world they live in, those people who caused me sufferings. Walking in broad daylight, yet my body is covered with darkness. Infested by the evilness those people had shown me, I am now one with my emptiness. I am still alive yet the real me no longer exists. His soul died a long time ago, along with those endearing smiles he used to have. He's such a sweet boy. But nobody could understand him. The world he loved have forsaken him. So he made a mask. A mask that hides his face; a face that shows the pain; a pain that eats his heart; a heart nobody knows. Their judging eyes stared at me as I passed by, but no one ever spoke a word. I smelled their fear, a scent that feeds my hunger. They felt the coldness of my shadow that's raging to come out of this body. They've created the ghost that will haunt their petty souls; a monster that never get satisfied. They made me who I am. They have killed him before. And I shall never die again. Judgment has come for them. My emptiness kept my thirst for vengeance. And as I bring pain to my enemies, the thirst never went away, thus, it grew stronger. Their screams never satisfied me. The big gap inside me, it remained empty. And I feel so weary... so tired... I wish that I could just fade away and be gone forever. But I never did, and I never will.
Thanks for appreciating. I'll try to right another one but with different theme. /thx
Agatha Celeste Divine
The Great Chalkzone is incredibly awesome. I'm a Christian and I do believe that Homos go to hell. Passed HS w/ high grades w/o doing most of my quizzes, assignments and projects. I just keep my recitations and quarterly exams high enough. I've been a finalist in 2 categories in a math competition when I was in College. My celebrity is Kristin Kreuk My fav Historical figure is Napoleon Bonaparte.
OooooOhHH.... a new victim for Chalky. /gg Joke :P Welcome to FRO! @Damascus Hey dude how can I know how much warning I already have?
^_^ I really felt good after I finished this one. I hope you like it too. /kis
: I posted a new and better sig
Sa pagya2bang lng malakas un eh. Inantok nga aq kaduel yn. He's one of the worst Sinx ever. Can't kill even w/ he's thana equipped. ------------------------------------------- Not in any order, here's my list: Thi@go, Epic, Paranoia, OneFinalSuicide, Tamahome, Bandit, Damascus, GrandCisso(or whatever his name spelled). Other than them, all the other strong sinx are people who imitated these guys' builds.
Maybe Heaven doesn't welcome homos... But here in FRO, we do :) Enjoy your stay here
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