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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by ScarletDevilmoon

  1. waffles :3 stealing food or poking people :p
  2. Easiest way to make money in real life is to start a business, but the easiest way to make zenys is selling mvp card for toks and then sell the toks for zenys :3
  3. The person above me was post 68
  4. Get different colors of the items ;3 or wait till there new things to come out :P
  5. I feel like baking food, can anyone give me some ideas of what to bake?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. tamm01


      make all of them then give some to us!! :9

    3. thePast
    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Lol XD ill see what I can make and I'll make a guessing game of what I made :3

  6. Hello Active welcome to this server of fun and excitement, never become inactive b/c you'll all the fun you missed, well good luck in your life in Fro and hope you achieve the best of it :3
  7. Good luck to the candidates, now that there are gonna be new GMs which means fresh GMs to stalk *^*!!!!
  8. Yea done as well :3, did I had to put all of them negative or positive lol
  9. Welcome to server, such as coffee break helped you out, she forgot to mentioned a few things to make new friends in your journey, to have fun, and to vote every 12 hours, voting will allow you get cool items, and you should the events in this game, it'll contain fun, excitement drama and a bit of suspense so good luck and if you got any questions you can ask anyone ;3
  10. Thks guys for your support ;), I won't give up.......yet, for now :3 But if it happens again,...... I will try to decide on giving up or not. But even so....I'm still missing some players...so if anyone sees anyone that was in the guild that has gone missing plz tell me so i can re add....and also if anyone who is still reading and was in the guild but never got re added plz tell me your in game name and time zone, if not in the guild and wants to join tell me :P.
  11. ~waits~......~stares~........~pok...e...slaps~ :3 survival guide of stalking

  12. Just be happy for what you have, and stop complaining, just like what celestial as people being here for a longer time, it wasn't easy for them at first as well, the only thing that'll help you is to strategize and think about job classes, also be efficient and wise with the items you have, just b/c this is a private doesn't mean it'll an easier chance to beat others, If you dislike pvp, then why bother doing those event, just try working for the equips and cards that will help you beat certain classes, also customizing your stats so you hold more berries, also with the fly wings and warping is not allowed b/c teleporting away is just cheap and it's not fair to others who are have been working hard just to kill one guy and then they warp, if you want to be cowardly then you can dc yourself during the pvp match, just think critically and stop trying to criticize the system of Fro, the purpose of it is for a challenge.
  13. Also maybe a password for trade too so he/she won't be able trade items from your inv unless they have the right password :P and also a password to be able to drop and delete items from your inv, so if he/she has lost all hope of transferring they mite as well try to throw them away so this may help others from losing items :3
  14. Jack in the Box Pandas or Pandarings
  15. Nope I believe bishop's kitties cuteness is too strong for your computer to handle and that's why you can't play or your files are corrupted :3 But try to restart it your computer or unplug to help make it work :P
  16. Trick or Treat!!!! I want my candy plus a veracity cookie to the side ;3
  17. Fish *^* Tuna or chicken
  18. Having the feeling that people watch what your doing or up to, while their in disguise~ total stalking alert :P

  19. Welcome to the server, if have any questions you can ask anyone in this silly Fro world, hope you have fun :3
  20. I believe I'm giving up more and more to be on this server and maintaining this guild, my love and support to this server is now dropping, I believed the bullies have gotten a part of there victory to make me really depressed and sad :(, it saddens me to say this, I mite as well pass this guild to another, who can accomplish more than I could in Fro, I mite as well still stay in Fro but not as the lead of the GM Fan Club, I am still making decisions, but if anyone want to reply to this plz do so, any good or negative comments will do. All my hard work is lost :/ I hope people are happy now.
  21. The person above me likes to drink tea :3 (This game is similar to TPBM)
  22. Haio welcome to the server, btw fairytail I have stopped watching that for a while, but thanks for having that, so now I will continue watching that anime, btw don't be scared to ask any questions to anyone they would surely answer questions, GMs are the friends you wanna ask questions to, also remember there ing name must be fully yellow including their guild name, and they must have a blue special poring as there emblem with fro on it :3, so if you see anyone without that, that means there fakeys and btw you check on forums who are the GMs, btw enjoy time in this server and hope you make lots of new friends and explore this new world. Good luck :)
  23. Bullys Bullys Bullys why are they still here in Fro, there just people who want to make people to leave out of the server for no reason.

    1. MyDogs123


      Do u Remeber What U said In Ur Interests U said Stealing Peoples Food and sometimes u be Mean to people like Ecstasy Pill . I'am Not a Bully Just Commenting

    2. MyDogs123


      Last time Ecstasy Pill Gave me A Cool Wing Helped me Out with Stalkers Status And Weapons He gave me


    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      Look I didn't point my finger to who was it, things that people say in there interests may or may not be true so you can't prove im a mean person since i help many others and support this server. Btw you guys just gotta get off my back, I see you guys spying on me every time I'm on, pretending to be newbie characters or in different guilds. Just leave me alone and go bother someone else.

  24. Okay then we wait till that month and hope she's on :/
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