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coffee break

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by coffee break

  1. At Last Uploaded! ^0^ Here's the Video of Veracity's Joke!!!
  2. ok Replay.. ACTION!! Hello there! ^-^ Welcome to ForsakenRO! ◕‿‿◕
  3. ei? kay ...◕‿‿◕
  4. @Scarlet: o.o i dunno that death Q_Q or T_T
  5. Its not that common.. i got my special smile: ^0^
  6. highschool times ^0^ The person below me is cute ^-^
  7. A wish from GM Wish (i dont want nightmares Scarlet T_T) cockroach or dirty mouse
  8. Hello there ^-^ Welcome to ForsakenRO! ^0^
  9. Disney left or right?
  10. poke silent or noisy
  11. nah... The person below me eats rice.
  12. eat family or gf/bf
  13. maybe? The person below me eats spinach.
  14. =) welcome to fro.
  15. melon! this or that?
  16. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻''''''''**** bosh.. boink! boink! The persone below me act like ccccccccc000000000000000ccc000000cc0000cc0000([°□°])!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>c00000coo000000
  17. o.o welcome here.
  18. ='( keep on error!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MotherEarth
    3. Bishop


      Please respond to your ticket in order for me to solve your errors.

    4. coffee break
  19. tacos! o-o or o.o
  20. ( ・д・)/--=≡(((卍!!!!! The person below me always do this O.O o.o O-o o-o o0o ooo
  21. Hi! Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online ^0^
  22. Yesh! The person below me is typing!
  23. 9gag apple or orange
  24. Nah! The person below me likes sushi!
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