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Double Trouble

Forsaken Elite
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Double Trouble last won the day on November 4 2013

Double Trouble had the most liked content!

About Double Trouble

  • Birthday 01/25/1990

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  • Interests
    Simple, Honest , Good person , Loving , Loyal <3

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  • Ingame Character Names
    - Mysterious -
  • Guild
    Former Extinction

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Knight (3/10)



  1. just go 6. there's alots of pro pally >3
  2. goodluck guys..
  3. Herlove / Hislove are more better...
  4. you guys have a point. what about us.. we need also a fair war. since some of us are working at the time BR / Woe / GVG we just wanted to be an Asian BR also..
  5. lol... are'nt you scared about the number you have use.. come on.
  6. Well my wish might bring rage for US and Canada player. But this is just a wish anyway let's not raging over it. I hope there is a Saturday GvG as well like Sunday 10.00 AM GvG time XD Or maybe BR since we have 2 BR. So maybe make one BR in 10.00 AM on Saturday server time.
  7. please stop this.. another gay reduct player would be able to be use this.... gayness
  8. just wanna say.. .. +1 for this..
  9. i wanna try that event.. pm me ingame guys.. hehe
  10. its might be good for the asian people if they change also the Friday Battle Royale to Saturday same time with GVG.
  11. it would be good if you change the gvg on weekends.. so more people are going to participate.. just for my opinion..
  12. Off this topic.. unfair for high ping. like asian..
  13. Give us color name.. i wanna have skyblue name.. hehe or aura.. hehe
  14. Stop Farming at Pvp Room... let newbie take over...
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