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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Procastinate

  1. My Running is only up to 12.2m.. im so bad at this! :( haha
  2. Hahahahaha... lol i could remember that in a certain commercial.. lol hahaha thats really impossible! hahaha
  3. woah!! nice incredible acts :D +1111111 :)
  4. GM's any proposition to this? I hope this would be implemented xD
  5. No prob man! :D happy to help! :D
  6. I agree! maybe at the rate of 50M - 100m per change? o.o :D
  7. I think this should be posted in the proper thread. The Suggestion Thread. xD
  8. Procastinate


    Brand new? o.o hahahahahahaha... brand new to the forums eh? but veteran in game? Hahahaha Welcome!
  9. there is no actually date nor time if when but sooner or later it will be out xD
  10. I think there is still no new anime on it but the manga for it is still continuing! :D
  11. 2175
  12. 2172
  13. I do watch it before! Ippo Makunochi is the name right?
  14. Hi to our New GM's! [GM]Vigor and [GM]Fantasia! :D Grats!

  15. GOOD Night FRO! and GOOD Morning too... Buenas noches y Buenas dias! xD

  16. No Prob. :D happy to help! xD
  17. 2166
  18. +1 :D and add something like plus something :D
  19. About your. Forum pic you can change trough gravatar but you need to first register in there but dont worry theres no harm in regestering there. After registering you can now upload your desired profile picture..
  20. Music of The Baroque Period!
  21. COOOL!!! nice very nice :D let me request one too please whenever your not that busy :D COOL! hehe
  22. 2157
  23. i Disagree to this suggestion because if this will be implemented there would be a warp abuse and thus that certain player could be un-kill-able. and you can just simply save the coordinates of the pvp warper that's the best solution :D
  24. +1 on topic
  25. I know that its better to get such valk weapons and items but let us put in mind that not all of us at this server is that financially gifted and some do only work on quest to earn tokens in game.
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