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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Procastinate

  1. 2147
  2. ~!!~2140~!!~
  3. Welcome to the Server Cory! nice too meet you! Don't Hesitate to post any questions here we are all willing to help you! Hoping to meet you soon in game! Good Luck on your journey and God Bless! btw... coooooool sig!
  4. Bishop is correct. I made this suggestion for the benefit of those ND pvp prof users and i also agree that its ok if there wont be any additional percentage to it so that there is still the gap between the valk weaps and these Forsaken weapon. cause in using stave one can still have additional damage trough having the cards TG inca/thana on their weapon slot :D
  5. 2132~~
  6. Procastinate


    WELCOME TO FRO!!! Have a great time at this server and See you in game soon! Good LuCK!
  7. Why not add a Level 1 Stave to Elite Professor Weapons? I think They are very useless against people with gtb, unlike High wizards who still do their magical attack but good for them for they already do have stave crusher on their skill tree. my point is just in doing ND pvp one just depends on his cards/skills/equipment/experience in order to win. but with ND Prof. its impossible to defeat a GTB user. speaking about the Dragoon Warlord card that strips the shield. - about this matter, since you need to hit the enemy and wait for the chance for it to cast auto strip shield but this is still kinda useless when people will already use "FCP" or Full Chemical Protection for it will be undivestable already. -open to constructive criticisms xD
  8. False The person below me stays in game for at-least 5 hours.
  9. 2124 xD
  10. Procastinate

    Im Back!

    WB! And Have Fun! Hope to see you IGN! :D
  11. 2119!:D
  12. Good Luck in being a champ! :D and do the elite quest if you haven't done it yet.. xD
  13. it says that "Rejected From Server." and it took more than an hour that i cant log in. but nevertheless by now its back.
  14. What is happening? o.o

  15. why cant i access my account in game?
  16. For your stats you must have 6k sp, a total 150 dex, 195 ASPD, atleast 260-280 str and rest on vit for normal type (cards) headgear: 3kiel, MayaP/Fsold Armor: Tao, GR Weap: 2tg, Civil, Golden armor: 2rays or ray Hollow boots: 2 antique fire locker card Str Belts for full assura type: only difference is at boots an weap boots: tanee, FBH weap: 2tg, 2civil for tss type(note: you need a converter to strengthen its attack rate e.g. Box of storm): Boots: 2fbh armor: the same cloack:the same Headgear: the same weap: 2tg, 2civil I suggest better have as for now a Quest Rucksack,Fknux and Str Belts :D so here hope it helped you xD...
  17. @maria.. hahaha yes.. one must strive and succeed! xD @Katherine.. hahahaha.. atleast once? then youll never experience the fun of it for the 2nd time? hahaha lol :D
  18. true maria.. ;) haha
  19. 2115
  20. Assignment time again.. Stressed Up! :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Veracity
    3. Procastinate


      hahaha.. thanks! Hope school year would be finished so that i could go 24/7 FRO again.. .gg hehehe

    4. Deathina


      i have no idea how my comment got ther LOL *cough* deleted it already

  21. I like your idea of having a board that will show the status of a GM whether his ON or not.. this would really be a great help to everyone specially for those who are just starting out, just for them to be guided.. :D
  22. I do agree on dadron3, since Fro got this ND equips in order to "Lessen the GAP" between donators and non-dontaros respectively. So the idea of this ND-woe would also benefit everyone specially those those who are just starting. regarding the "skilled-players" it is also one way of helping those ND-geared players to be better at pvp and sooner or later they will be also quoted as "skilled" once. but i just would like to add some restrictions whenever this would be implemented.. Besides the banning of Donation items.. there must also be a banning of cards. since the "skilled" do have cards like thanatos on them.. they would still dominate woe even in ND gears.. in order for this to be balanced Ban Donation items and Thana card from this event.. :D -just a thought that passed trough my mind :D (open to constructive criticisms.) ^_^
  23. Post it Rayskie show it to us and let us be amazed! lawl! :D
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