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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Procastinate

  1. 139
  2. Basically, all woe are up to fast breaking not only euro in fact Doing any woe's includes Fast breaking, Luck and Strategy. That's the reason why guild maintains their castle's and as for solo breakers its on pure luck of being able to hit the remaining HP of the emp. Well, Before, as I've remembered 7mos before i think it was on October 2011 or November there was a suggestion about this too and a certain GM gave an option of which they can transfer one castle from the american woe and transfer it to Euro Woe. Im just making this suggestion knowing that its for the benefit of all not only for me and you but for everyone. But, I wont get my hopes high but i still do believe that there would be a .001% chance of this being accredited. Its worth a try after all.
  3. Since there are a lot of people on and playing during euro/asian woe, I would like to suggest to have another castle to be played with during this said event. Main Reason is that : " Over population in one map" thus, will result to an extreme lag plus spamming of skills. Before, I already read about this topic passed but has been rejected and now, i think that its the proper time for us to have another main attraction in Euro/Asian woe. Thank you and God bless us all! Long Live Fro!
  4. 99!
  5. 91
  6. WoW!!! awesome update at last ! Congrats Fro GM team! nice work! :D
  7. 2611
  8. 2604
  9. 2600 xD
  10. 2592!
  11. 2589
  12. 2574
  13. 2571
  14. And These Impersonators arent only there to Hack/Scam People they are also there to make you look bad and UGLY to other people thus destroying your reputation.
  15. Hi there Yuki and Welcome Back To FRO!!
  16. +1 ALSO!! xD Hate memorizing stuffs
  17. I Just hate these impostors who are making people believe that they are you when reality is they arent, they are just pretending to be you. I really hate people who are like this... tss!
  18. Hi Sandy! WELCOME TO FRO!!! good luck on your journey :D
  19. 2497
  20. 2495
  21. 2493
  22. Hi there Jas :) Enjoy FRO :)
  23. I play champ class as well and i do agree of having the snap skill back.. i also understand the part of Ryuk and the others about it... But in the end i do hope that this will be fixed soon.. +1 on snap
  24. I have read the update and i was really glad about it because the votes are now back with the corresponding awards. Yet one thing bothers me. What will happen to my previous accumulated vote tokens? this got to be reconsidered because i have like 150+ vote tokens that are now useless.. Please Help :)
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