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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by GenericName

  1. He complains about Leap, but then goes on a Star Gladiator and runs away with it. Seems pretty hypocritical considering at least SG's have much more hp than SL's.
  2. Please dear god don't release more emps untill the current emps have ALL been released.. IE the pink emp.
  3. -1 Leap is no different from backslide / snap / shadow jump. You just want it nerfed cause you get beat by a soul linker and are trying to find a way around it.
  4. -1 thana prices dropping is finally starting to stabalize the economy again, the last thing we need is another item worth 10-12k...
  5. Bump, seeing as I'm the only person who has the SL Ring, I feel as if nobody really cares about it. But considering SL is a damn good PvP class (in my opinion) I definitely think there should be some sort of vit or higher hp % bonus.
  6. Hey, was just wondering if the color of the gold / azure emps could possibly be changed. I find that they're very pastel and bland. It would be nice if they could be given a bit more color and depth. If anyone could possibly change the colors and give us some examples, it would be greatly appreciated, I just don't have photoshop anymore. :(
  7. +1, Maya would destroy them. Probably 1 hit K.O a SL. Either way, I think it should be enabled.
  8. Moneybrookers is pretty easy. Srsly.
  9. I get ganged all the time on my soul linker, but I don't say shit, i just rape 'em and leap away.
  10. Are you going to refund the players that currently donated for the RoP? I donated for it because I love the way it looks. Unless you'll exchange it for us, i don't think removing it is a good idea.
  11. I kill everyone, regardless of donation or non-donation status. It's a PvP server people. If you don't like it, WHY did you join one? That was your mistake. If you don't like it, please don't join a PK server.
  12. I think 25 stats would be sufficient, it's true though. A lot of people can't donate, and it's extremely hard for them to obtain the donation variants. +1
  13. Hi, I'm wondering if it's at all possible to add some more %HP to the SL / SG / TK Rings.. right now my HP on my SL (With full gear) IS at about 133747 HP. That's pretty redic. I'm just asking for maybe another 30-40% Hp (Or whatever balances out).
  14. Well, considering the only thing useful about the Sinx Cursed is the fact that it only gives a miniscule amount of -% for SB... The SinxBlessed is by far one of the best rings at the moment, and it's sad that everyone plays an Assassin as a crit character, I get where you're coming from with the -crit card. +1
  15. welcome. ^balanced... XD
  16. Uncaged. Its not hard to stack hp. sentient stands there spamming yggs, she also has one of the most op items in the game atm. not hard to do.
  17. Either way. I +1 this. Newbies used to get Orange, Green, Purple and sometimes even Blue emps because they were dropped more frequently, Guild leaders now HOARD those rare drops horribly. I'd love to see more Violet, Red, Skyblue and Gray emps. It would also help the Economy by allowing newer players to get their hands on something that's actually worth something. Defending a castle right now is pretty hard, unless you're like RTF and have like 3 guilds defending. Anyways. +1 +1 +1 +1.
  18. @ Title. Both for only 3k.
  19. sinx crit, 1k. pm me.
  20. Don't know what everyone else was talking about, but I wanted to nerf that shit on stalker, nothing else. And yes, I have done all those variations, considering how long I've been playing this game, I know. But detale+gr = gg. You can't physically damage a stalker who has that gear enough to kill it, especially with how fast they can ygg/spam skills. Gotta love the Breakneck / Sprite edits here. It's changed now anyways, thanks GM's.
  21. I main a whitesmith (Hephaestos) and I disagree with this suggestion. They're fine the way they are. It's just a matter of obtaining the right gear for them. -1
  22. Hahahahahahahaha. People think it's so easy to kill them, yet, the person who said this doesn't actually PvP on this server anymore. It's absolutely redic when a FULL MAGIC POWER PROF. (Cape, Urds, bflyaura, Piamette hat) Does 200-300 per hit. I play a FULL damage whitesmith and the most I do is 3999, I've seen champs asura them for 1k damage, oh and snipers? DS? FAS? no more than 3k. This is absolutely the MOST op thing on this server right now, and it definitely needs to change. I +1 this suggestion, as an avid PvP'er. LOL, let's see you login and attempt to kill one. Please don't speak about things when you have 0 experience fighting one. Thanks.
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