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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Genesis


    Its being fixed, stop making topics. Thank you.
  2. Problem solved.
  3. Spiderman style ;D
  4. Genesis

    The End

    Drifted to the dark side Sangreal has.
  5. Genesis

    2 questions

    You double click the item and it will teleport you. =]
  6. If you put your mouse over each of them it'll tell you their names as well as their purpose.
  7. So let me get this straight, in your twisted mind; insulting someone then getting it removed by a Moderator is Favoritism/ Abuse? I'd hate to see what Fair Play and Just punishment is to you. If Vaporub reported it that means he/she found it offensive and I'm not surprised with so many people waiting for her to mess up to jump on the bandwagon. Flame: (to insult other player's behaviors/looks/tastes) We know you live in a micro universe in which everyone shares your opinions exactly, but to those who don't live in said micro universe, do us a favor and shut it. First offense: -10% warn. So, combat you got your post deleted but you didn't get a warn, consider that your warning. Geldaz, You've yet to PM me any sort of proof of any Mod abusing anything, period. Till you come up with some I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut. Now if you'll excuse me I'm in the final 50 kbs of the redone mob_db I don't want to have to come back here because someone wanted to be a smartass.
  8. I'm redoing the entire mod database once thats done I'll remod the Endless Towers to make it more challenging for a High Rate then release it. =]
  9. Posting something against our staff or supporting it by saying " I fucking love you <3" will result in a warn, more so to the later. I've said it before I'm not going to say it again If you have a problem with a staff member PM me with proof validating your point.
  10. Genesis


    Go to http://cp.forsaken-ro.net and under "Problems" select "Reset Position", then select the character. This will teleport you back to Forsaken City. To fix the error what you need to do is update your Sakray or download the All-in-One offered in our download page. This has the latest updates.
  11. Genesis

    elite itemz?

    Which aren't?
  12. Okay, drops are working as they are suppose to now. http://ro.doddlercon.com/wiki/index.php?ti...mensional_Gorge
  13. http://www.flashget.com/en/download.htm
  14. The views for the mobs are fixed, you just need to run your patcher.
  15. Try using Flashget, I use it to download the Installer when I reformat and it goes at almost 1mb/s. Which is EXTREMELY fast.
  16. DirectX is a division of Microsoft, which are the makers of Windows. Its perfectly safe to use. =]
  17. If you use Vista: http://www.gamesforwindows.com/en-US/About.../DirectX10.aspx If you use XP: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en
  18. Moved to Originality, GFX Requests. =]
  19. Screenshot the blue box and upload it please.
  20. Genesis


    Hai Aso:
  21. Stop flaming its a post your picture topic, its not meant for flames nor provocative posts.
  22. Kiersty is a person O_o... its a little inside joke between OLD members, nothing bad.
  23. Hi Kiersty.
  24. Genesis


    Posts don't accumulate in this forum.
  25. Genesis


    Hi, I think this is the perfect situation to advertise my book: In my Book you'll learn how not to get raped by 40 year old fat men and prevent getting punked by a male using a female account as well as how to associate with the online community. Terms such as " A/S/L", "8inch lukin 4 funz!", "Cybe 4 $" and many others will become part of your daily vocabulary! Buy now this is a limited time offer!
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