So let me get this straight, in your twisted mind; insulting someone then getting it removed by a Moderator is Favoritism/ Abuse? I'd hate to see what Fair Play and Just punishment is to you.
If Vaporub reported it that means he/she found it offensive and I'm not surprised with so many people waiting for her to mess up to jump on the bandwagon.
Flame: (to insult other player's behaviors/looks/tastes)
We know you live in a micro universe in which everyone shares your opinions exactly, but to those who don't live in said micro universe, do us a favor and shut it.
First offense:
-10% warn.
So, combat you got your post deleted but you didn't get a warn, consider that your warning. Geldaz, You've yet to PM me any sort of proof of any Mod abusing anything, period. Till you come up with some I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut. Now if you'll excuse me I'm in the final 50 kbs of the redone mob_db I don't want to have to come back here because someone wanted to be a smartass.