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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Genesis

    Thanatos Cards!

    As I said before, it is not what the description says. Its better than Goldenring.
  2. Genesis

    Thanatos Cards!

    I hope you all realize, Asura also got a boost from the extra damage to demi humans.
  3. Genesis

    Thanatos Cards!

    You do what you have to do bud, I didn't post here to pick a fight with you at all; I think we are both old/mature enough to comprehend that doing so is just idiotic. From my point of view, it seemed as if you "quit" because of the Thanatos Effect then just kept whining about it while trying to start problems with Athena in this topic; we are all players of the same server here; all after one cause ( the improvement of our server) I might be wrong in my previous remature assumption ( as I said before, it was only an assumption) but I believe other players might have felt and understood it the same way I did thus my post(s), if I was wrong I apologize, hope you patch up your personal life and visit us soon, cheers. =]
  4. Genesis

    Thanatos Cards!

    Noone is nut hugging anyone here, I'm simply stating the fact that in your "goodbye" topic you said the following: "lol aight peace thanatos card nerf just made it no fun " Which clearly indicates that you "quit" because of the Thanatos Card change; yet you are here posting about it on the forums. Since you are associating yourself with the ForsakenRO Forums clearly; you are also associating yourself with the server; therefore you have not quit. Therefore the assumption that you had no intention of quitting and just thought saying "thanatos card nerf just made it no fun" would get us to change our mind ( which it hasn't) wouldn't be utterly incorrect. I wouldn't even be posting in the rant section, but your passive aggressive posts are disturbing. *Edit* Forgot to mention, if you have a problem with a GM you may PM me ( quickest reply) Alex or Zeit ( once he gets his new computer), posting about the issue is not okay. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter as well as in Improving our humble server. Have a great Moorning/Afternoon/Night. *Edit2* Regarding Thanatos, its effect was given a boost from what the description says; with proper equips it can do 100k damage ( this includes all hits), and is very much spamable.
  5. Genesis

    Thanatos Cards!

    "lol aight peace thanatos card nerf just made it no fun " http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=8900
  6. Animation could have been better, it lagged and seemed stiff at times.
  7. Done.
  8. Keep it PG.
  9. Question: Can you equip it on other classes that AREN'T sniper?
  10. If it doesn't we'll fix it. =]
  11. Keep going, the client sometimes lags behind but your level will continue to rise if you continue to kill monsters. I'd suggest a relog.
  12. Done.
  13. How is pointing out the fact that we have 240 people on during Euro/Asian time zones and 495 during American WoE Time being racist?
  14. "Jan 16 2008" Almost 1 year ago.
  15. Me on my GM. 1,000 all stats over 10 million HP. Stop making these topics.
  16. Server is back online, problem was solved rather quickly by steadfast ( they put a new temporary breaker). Sorry for the inconvenience and we hope you'll understand these are just things that happen with general wear and tear.
  17. According to steadfast its a server electrical issue that they are replacing.
  18. Genesis


    He's asking if you have 2 FBHs in your boots, and 1 goldenring in your weapon will it stack.
  19. Genesis


    I don't see why not.
  20. Zeny is quickly becoming a very important part of the economy, I'm seeing more and more people buy stuff with zeny simply because its getting tighter and tighter to get some.
  21. Genesis

    Incan and TG

    I'll need to update the description with the new addons =P
  22. All pending requests have been completed. =]
  23. You know it. It's best to get zeit's input on this, personally I think with all the pornographic forums there are and "relationship help" boards, there is no point is starting one in a Teen rated game.
  24. So in conclusion Ryoji, you just want an excuse to post your naked picture.
  25. Before you close, I just want to point out how funny it is that people who have never even SEEN patchworks play say he's the "best" just to jump on the bandwagon. End transmission.
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