Things Added:
- 4 Rucksacks added to donation. ( Offer expires 3/19/2009 )
- Website Update section is now working at 100%. It'll display all the new addons/changes via RSS remotely.
- New Javascript added which removes the need for a scroll bar, as the website is now self-expanding.
- Reorganized Main Page to make it more appealing.
- Features Page redone to provide more details.
- Server page also redone to provide up to date details.
- New general Font used.
- Guide section added including a wiki.
- Wiki page designed to have a more "RO-Ish" look. Please feel free to contribute to the wiki, it's free and easy. Post about yourselves, people, events,items,quests or whatever else comes to mind!
- We've done some quick network maintenance which fixed some hardware issues.;#entry124880
- New Download Manager released, this download manager allows us to have full control as to who ( or what ) is downloading our client. It is also going to allow us to provide Kro/Sakray mirrors right here, exclusive to ForsakenRO.
-European WoE Beta scheduled for Tomorrow!
Thanks to Rendezvous & Nick for their help.