You hit the nail on the head, the main problem is the community will ask for something say... " More Safari Mobs" but don't specify what exactly they want. Do you want more MvP? Do you want more mini-bosses? Perhaps just standard mobs? How often should they spawn? Specifications on for example, quests or vote items would help us tremendously. We'd really appreciate something we can base ourselves on and work with. Broad suggestions like " I want more... x" really leave us blank. Hopefully people will read this and post suggestions specifying what they would like.
Note: By specifications I mean, requirements, effect of the quest item, and things of that nature.
PS: I'm not sure if you ever saw our To-do list a few weeks/months ago Ami but it was huge, we've really slimmed it down and implemented a lot of things even with a lot of set backs like bad coding on eA's part/redoing NPCs/Reorganization of systems/etc. Point being, it might take some time to get everything done but we'll get there. :smile_anim: