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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. This leaves a lot of room for abuse. Imagine 5 people married to 5 over people, they can have limitless recalls basically. This is the reason it isn't allowed in WoE, its very very abusable.
  2. LHZ Aura doesn't lend itself to be recolored easily. It would look very very bad because of the fact that it needs to be animated.
  3. It wouldn't be floating, that's an equipment. If we did this ALL equipments would be increased drastically. We can increase the rate in general if that is an alternative.
  4. If we did this, the risk would have to be pretty high. As Kittie pointed out, its easy to farm here.
  5. You suggested 11 colors, there are 12 capes right now. That's a total of 132 we would need to add. Capes also don't lend themselves to be recolored (and continue looking nice). We will keep it under consideration but it won't be our top priority.
  6. If we did readd it, it would only be for a select few items. Isn't there a chance the item you are trying to slot will be removed from you?
  7. Command disabled maps forbid any sort of commands from being used. You can't restrict some and not others.
  8. In order to enter, they would need to give it to us prior to entering. Would require them to give it prior to entering.
  9. We will consider it but this isn't our main priority.
  10. I'd like to hear everyone's input on having a Lotto on the forums for a tokens jackpot.
  11. That's an entirely different suggestion, I want to try and keep it as organized as possible. Sorry. On the question of Eir's Book, I'll leave Wish/Justice a message to get her opinion on this and if it all checks out, I'm ok with it.
  12. Well, the whole point of the suggestion forum is to hear everyone's opinion. I would prefer it if you stated your reasons in this topic.
  13. All set, I did some testing and after the change I did I was able to snap around WoE 1.0 maps. Thanks!
  14. Hello fRO, We just wanted to announce three things. First, Snap is now enabled in WoE 1.0 and WoE 2.0 maps. Second, We have rest ownership of the WoE 2.0 map because it hasn't changed hands in a while! Third, we will be making modifications to the defenses in WoE 2.0 over the next few weeks to make it more competitive. Suggestion for changes are always welcome! Thanks again for your support!
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  15. Welcome. =]
  16. What about a new valkyrie weapon that allows dual wielding?
  17. I can probably make something like this happen if it gets enough support.
  18. The way this would probably work is everyone buys a ticket/entry with a certain fee, one of the people that enter will win th jackpot (the sum of everyone's zeny with the house taking a cut). Let me know if this sounds acceptible. If this gains support, we could do something similiar on the forums for tokens where everyone gives say 10 tokens, and 1 person takes home the whole jackpot.
  19. So safe effect as it has now, just enlarge weight level 10?
  20. I thought snap was already reenabled? Could someone check?
  21. So you guys are suggesting 2 different capes, 1 for int and 1 for vit? If so, please provide suggested effects for the two.
  22. What does it display currently? Could you guys provide a screenshot?
  23. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=36
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