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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Genesis

    Newish member

    Welcome to ForsakenRO! Always good to see old friends.
  2. Genesis


    EDP = 1 Item, Lasts 2 minutes. AD = 2 items, lasts 1 second. Thats why we added the alchemist npc.
  3. Genesis


    AD ingredients prices will be quite a bit higher, which will make then less common do to the fact that they cost more.
  4. Yes.
  5. Genesis

    New Member...

    Welcome to ForsakenRO, enjoy your stay.
  6. Genesis

    cant start

    Time Stamp: 0x458658f7 - Mon Dec 18 20:01:43 2006 Your Kro and Sakray are extremely outdated please update them.
  7. PM me or Relinquish ingame, we can show you the wings.
  8. Kro has .dll files you need to play. Did you also install Kro?
  9. Welcome to ForsakenRO, enjoy your stay feel free to ask any GM ingame if you have questions.
  10. Genesis

    Hi need help

    Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online. /smile
  11. Information regarding Donations
  12. Welcome Combat.
  13. Welcome to ForsakenRO. Enjoy your stay.
  14. Unless you have them in the same folder and the other server has a "data" folder then no. ForsakenRO does not block any other server.
  15. Genesis


    Are you an Admin on your computer?
  16. Genesis

    PvP Ranks.

    PvP Ranking System Operational We have added the PvP Ranking System, which consists of 30 ranks, #1 being the person who dies the least and kills the most ( automatically calculated ). This System does not only work inside the PvP Rooms but also works on all PK enabled maps. It will also allow you to see the changes since you logged on, as well as the PvP Ranks for your entire account. Lastly we have added the Dutch Language as an optional feature. What are you waiting for, get PKing and Enjoy!
  17. Do you have a folder called "data" in your RO folder? Some servers often put a data folder in your RO folder so that you cannot connect to any other server than theirs, ForsakenRO does not do this, do fix this problem just rename the "data" folder to anything ( example : badstuff ) it should fix the problem.
  18. Genesis


    Welcome to ForsakenRO. /bo
  19. It appears you have another server's files messing up ForsakenRO, quite a few servers do this to force you to play their server. ForsakenRO for one does not interfere with any other server files. What I can suggest is to look for a folder called " data" in your RO folder and possible uninstall some of the other servers if you have them. Lastly it might be that your Kro and Sakray are outdated.
  20. Genesis


    It was on NL I'm the same Genesis.
  21. Genesis


    Dude sup!
  22. Genesis

    Gm App

    Posting an application such as this is not recommended, when we are looking for GMs we announce it and ask whoever is interested to send the application to [email protected] to be reviewed by our GM Team.
  23. Genesis


    Is it possible you have other servers or a "data" folder in your RO folder?
  24. Genesis


    This is not the place to report this, to make reports anonymous we offer a support ticket system. Nevertheless they both will be warn and punished on a second offense. Please accept the apology of myself and the GM Team for letting this get out of hand.
  25. MvP cards drop at 10% ( except Thanatos ). MvPs and most Mini bosses spawn every hour meaning they spawn on their respective map 24 times per day.
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