I would like to post my opinion as well, I think you guys are fighting over whom gets whom in their guild way too much, which causes good players to be in 3 or 4 guilds, if you guys would unity into 1 or 2 guilds you would greatly improve during PvP,WoE and Events. Another thing you could do is, with the amount of daily votes we are getting on GS200, we should be able to hold Top 5 ( most likely #2) without any problems, what you guys should do is vote to help maintain this, approximately the top 5 Servers get 16,000 hits every month lets say oh, 1% of those actually play ( obviously more will) thats 160 new members you can recruit, and all you need to do is hang around Fcity welcome a few of them get to know the ones you want in your guild, boom you just got members. Skim through the ones you would like to keep and keep fresh blood in your guild meaning you will help yourself as well as the server, this is not some clever attempt to get you guys to vote, just think about it you will see I am right.