Yea thats what I have read as well; According to them its an underworld of Satan Morroc, similar to our current maps but completely custom. Just goes to show you how far from dead RO is.
Problem solved here is what happened:
1. We moved our website to a new dedicated machine.
2. The DDoSer(s) have both gotten IP banned from us and reported to the Authorities both by our hosting company and us.
Now that the website is done I'm going to fix the small little bugs left in the Safari Zone.
Nothing, the website is just down that is all in a few minutes it should come up for now you can play by going to C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\
and selecting "Forsaken Ragnarok Online".
Last Man Standing, None-Donation Last Man Standing, Find the Skull, Hide and Seek, PoringBall, Dice Event, Team Last Man Standng, Non-Donation Team Last Man Standing, Guess the Item, Guess the Password. =]