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Everything posted by Genesis
-Replaced guild rental system with newbie rental system. -Added option to avoid getting activity tokens via the Forsaken Kafra. -Fixed issue with Mallina Card not working on certain maps. -Added option for non-owners to redeem Forsaken Lair rewards. - Adjusted rewards for Hunter NPC. -- After Mission #29, you get 400 Fame points. -- After Mission 59, you get 1000 Fame points, 50X yggdrasil seed tickets and 1 Mithril Coin. - Reorganized Tokenshop to better represent redeemable vouchers. - Added permanent PvP Room.
GM Applications have been reopened! Deadline of May 14th!
Fixed weight issue for Chivalry Emblem Disabled Halloween Village and Quests Added Christmas Login Screen Fixed issue with Legendary Drooping Loli Cat not appearing correctly in @ii Changed Dam of Darkness description to avoid confusion Changed fcity theme to Christmas Theme Enabled Christmas quests Fixed female sprite issue with 19591. Fixed issue with Cursed Ring Quest asking for incorrect item name. All characters are now debuffed when entering WoE.
Please read the FAQ: https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/?p=667
Applications have beeen reopened! Applications end on June 26th, 2022 (Sunday).
- Added new Dragon Headgears -- 30 PVP tokens in Token Trader NPC - New login screen - Fixed issue in Blessed Sword Variant giving Cursed Variant - Fcity is back to a normal theme - Golden Mystery Box rotation -- White Aqua Aurora -- Azure Ice Emperium Aurora -- Teal Ice Emperium -- Yellow Nebula Aurora -- Jade Ice Emperium -- Teal Imperial Helm --Jade Imperial Helm -- Black Imperial Helm -- Azure Imperial Helm -- Valkyrie Expansion Headgear Redemption Ticket -- Assorted Headgear Redemption Ticket -- Enchanted Exchange Voucher -- Weapon Exchange Voucher - Adjusted seed delay when using Full Buster skill - Mallina Card is now equipped with headgear * Remove the card if currently equipped. - Fixed issue with Pneuma auto-cast skill for Soul Linker class - Fixed issue with Novice events that can equip items - Star Gladiator Guardian Ring and Sorrowbringer adjustment Sorrowbringer Str + 25, Ag i+ 12, Atk + 10%, Max Hp + 45% Increase damage to demihuman by 7% Increase damage to medium-sized monsters by 2% Allows Level 10 Enlarge Weight Limit Star Gladiator Guardian Ring Str + 25, Vit + 20, Atk + 8%, Max Hp + 25%, Max Sp + 10%, Walking Speed + 15%, Reduce Vit def by 10%, Inflict 15% more damage with critical attacks, 2% chance to cast Counter Kick, Increase damage of Counter Kick by 150%. Reduce damage taken from demihuman by 5% - Implemented automated punishment to the "Account" that will leave Battlegrounds matches - WoE 2.0 drop rotation -- Teal Ice Emperium Fragment drop is added
You are too scrolled out, if you scroll in it'll rerender for you.
Applications have been reopened! Applications end on November 14st, 2021 (Sunday).
- Correct issue where the Vote Infernal Star Gladiator Cape was not giving the correct stats. - Added a 10 second cooldown to reentering fRO's Strongest Arena after quitting, or after death. - Enabled Lost Village within warper. - Reenabled Forsaken City Halloween theme. - Added updated automatic broadcast reminding players AFK Macro farming is not allowed. - Nebula Auroras description updated to reflect that champion class cannot wear it. - WoE Castles Rotated: American WoE @ 20:00 on Wednesdays and Saturdays prtg_cas03 -> payg_cas03 payg_cas02 -> gefg_cas03 Asian WoE @ 07:00 on Tuesdays aldeg_cas02 -> prtg_cas05 aldeg_cas05 -> prtg_cas02 European WoE @ 14:00 on Mondays, 10:00 on Fridays gefg_cas01 -> aldeg_cas04 gefg_cas04 -> aldeg_cas01 International WoE @ 9:00 on Sundays prtg_cas01 -> payg_cas01 WoE 2.0 @ 20:00 on Fridays arug_cas04 -> schg_cas02 - Fixed issue with Cat Mouth sprite. - Correct issue with Sky Blue Nebula aurora sprite. - Correct issue with Amber Nebula aurora sprite. - Correct issue with Mint Nebula aurora sprite. - Corrected issue with Limited Edition Black Cat Ears
You are reviving a several month old topic... If you don't know the username or the email we cannot recover your account.
Please file a ticket and we will look into your issue.
New Loading Screen Disabled Halloween Village Enabled Christmas Village Updated BGM for Forsaken City Remove Coma Effect on all Creator weapon Enabled Toy Factory raid Enabled Christmas Quest Added 3 new Headgears on Toy Factory raid ( Legendary Knit Hat , Legendary Lousie Red Hat , Legendary Santa Cap ) Added 3 new Headgears on Special Christmas Gift Box Quest ( Legendary Snowflake Tiara, Legendary Twin Santa Hat, Legendary Unicorn Ornament ) Reduce Pori Pori Revenge monster HP Disabled all mob drops on Parasyte Event Fixed Thanatos Arena bug Added 5 Collectible Headgear ( Limited Edition Baby Polar Bear, Limited Edition Cat Knit Hat, Limited Edition Pink Sheep Hat, Limited Edition Snow Bear Hood, Limited Edition Snow Fox ) Added 4 New colors of Bakonawa helm ( Red, White, Azure, Orange ) Added 4 New colors of Emperor Headband ( Purple, Teal, Orange, Teal ) Reduce and Adjust BG event timers KVM Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - 1:00 AM to 3:00 AM and 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (Server time) Flavius Monday and Tuesday - 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (Server time) Tierra Wednesday and Thursday - 1:00 AM to 3:00 AMand 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (Server time)
Applications have been reopened! Applications end on November 1st, 2020 (Sunday).
Fixed decription of Specialty headgears on the tokenshop. Fixed issue where you could not use certain consumable items in the Lair Dungeons. Disabled storage in formap20 (Aegir's Bless) Added new Monthly collectibles to the tokenshop. Added new Brutal, Striking and Magical viarants to the tokenshop. Adjusted PvP Ladder Schedule to 11:00 -> 12:00 PM on Sundays. Enabled Kaite skill in WoE Maps. Lowered player requirements in BG and exchange rates for rewards. Increased delay of Gunslinger Desperado by 2x. Fixed issue with Gunslinger Tracking having a large after act delay. Reduced Gjaller requieements for Gudrun. Lessened the weight of Forsaken Belts and Legendary Gauntlets. Fixed bug with Poring Ball that prevented the ball from returning to center. Updated all non-donation ring stats to correspond with their donation variants. PvP Ladder now dispells buffs from Gospel (Battle Chant). PvP Ladder now dispells buffs from Song of Lutie. PvP Ladder now dispells buffs from Kaizel. PvP Ladder now dispells buffs from Magic Strings. Divine Instinct now grants + 10% damage with Double Strafe for Snipers. Divine Instinct now grants + 10% damage with Desperado for Gunslingers. Conquest Event is now limited to 5 minutes. Fixed issue with Lord Knight Rings not giving correct Brandish Spear buff. Removed -50% SP effect from Moring Card. Forsaken Knight only has a single Thief requirement now. Added new colors to Mythical Flames in the tokenshop. Updated Legendary Weapon stats in the Wiki. Added new Login screen. Thank you to everyone who helped with these changes!
- 3
Kaite has now been hotfixed to be allowed in all WoE Maps. It still remains disabled in formap36 via a new custom mapflag. If there are any issues please let me know!
Fixed an issue causing Tracking to have an after cast act delay. (It will now be significantly faster) Increased Desperado After Cast Delay by 2x (form 1400 to 2800). Kihop (aka Fighting Chant) party stacking has been reworked from (2*skilllvl*partymembers-1) to (skilll.vl*partymembers-1). In effect, reducing it's damage by half. Item database updated in the Control Panel You will no longer see "unknown items" when searching through your inventory or storage. Item database icons are in the process of being updated. If you guys notice any items missing an icon, please let us know. Thank you to everyone who helped with these changes!
Hi fRO, Based on your feedback we have physically relocated the server to the west coast. The timezone of the server will still remain EST (GMT-4). In order to connect you will need to run the patcher. Alternatively, if you are unable to run the patcher, do one of the following: Download the gepard patch and extract and replace it to your fRO directory here: https://forsaken-ro.net/gepard_patch.zip Redownload the small patch (or all-in-one here): https://forsaken-ro.net/download/ If you have any illegal macro software, you will need to uninstall it. An uninstaller can be downloaded and run here: https://forsaken-ro.net/GepardMRT.zip We will be monitoring the server extensively for the next 48 hours. If you face any issues, please let us know on discord: Thank you, and we look forward to many more years at ForsakenRO!
Added delay on Kyrie skill. Adjusted Legendary Katar to be 90% of the Valkyrie Weapon equivalent. Adjusted Legendary Hammer to be 90% of the Valkyrie Weapon equivalent. Fixed issue with Lair mobs being the wrong element. Mystery token headgears rotated. Gold Mystery Box rotated. Mystery Box rotated. Buffed Stalker Blessed ring variants. Buffed Stalker Cursed ring variants. Ninja Cursed ring variants restated. Ninja Blessed ring variants restated. Ninja Guardian ring variants restated. Fixed issue with Volund effect not applying to certain characters/accounts. Creator Oriental Sword restated. Whitesmith Valkyrie Weapon restated. Fixed issue with Kitty Claws giving the incorrect effect. Moved Payon Battlegrounds NPC. Added new Capes to Cape Exchange NPC. Reworked Lord Knight rings. Disabled Ship Captain Hat variants for Whitesmith. Sniper Blessed Ring restated. Updated Ninja Guardian Angel Scarf to the correct effect. Thank you to everyone who helped with these changes!
This topic is from 2015. Place an order via the tokenshop, select BDO bank deposit. It'll send you an email with the instructions.
- 31 replies
DM me the username, I'll activate your account then you can login and change it.
Fixed issue with Paladin Guardian Ring variants giving more HP than Paladin Blessed Ring. Added new Tempest Aurora (Hurricane Aurora variants) Kitty Claws buffed. BG will now happen twice a day, everyday; prizes adjusted accordingly. Fixed edge case where if you used Dragonist Honor before becoming a Dragonist Rank 1, you'd lose it. Fixed issue with Black Cat Ears showing wrong sprite. Creator Valkyrie Weapons reworked. Updated non-donation ring versions of Wizzard Paladin and Creator to reflect their donation counterparts. Added new cape variants to exchange NPC. Allowed Soul Links when entering fRO's Strongest Arena. Allowed warping out of MvP Invasion. Fixed issue with Hollow Spine coming up as an unknown item. Whitesmith Valkyrie Weapon Rework. Fixed bug with Automated Dice Event. Super Novice Guardian Ring rework. Added NPC in Automatic LMS that lets player's check how many players are online. Enabled PvP in for_fild01, disabled @warp command, enabled kill broadcasts. Disabled PvP in @go 13. Updated Bulletin Board in Forsaken City. Thank you to everyone who helped with these changes!
Seed Ticket Pass no longer provided with Guild Package. Added Warp Portal to for_map219 so the MvP can be reached. Dark Maze and Juton Raid can now be reentered. Fixed issue with Yggdrasil Raid spawning mobs in unreachable areas. Enabled @warp command in for_fild01. Disabled @warp command in dbz_tour. Fixed issue with Divine Might giving the incorrect stats. Added Random Warp Point functionality to dbz_tour. Disabled Kaite in Forsaken Lair maps. Added NPC to dbz_tour that allows you to warp out. Added protection Cloth variants as Cape Variants. Updated WoE time billboard in Forsaken City. Fixed issue with Treasure Chesat (1355) dropping trhe wrong item, instead of Amber Ice Emperium Aurora. Added new look to Newbie Freebie Packs. Changed Cooldown for changing teams in BG from 10 minutes to 5 minutes. Removed cooldown on Flavius and Tierra. Moved Battleground Warper in @go 30 to correct location. Creator Guardian variants restated. Paladin Guardian variants restated. High Wizard Blessed variants restated. Paladin Cursed variants restated. Non-Donation Blessed Ring now gives + 180% damage with Double Strafe for Snipers. Updated Legendary Loki Infernal Dagger effect to be 90% of it's donation variant. dbz_tour warper now debuffs (everything else is enabled): X2 HP X2 Attack Magic Strings Song of Lutie Provoke Assumption Mindbreaker Thank you to everyone who helped with these changes!
Potentially. He also needs to check what permissions the exe has. The Fix screen fix should resolve this. @Titan
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