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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by geldaz

  1. I'd like to know how to make the render go out of the background,like Levis signature with Kira. Any kind of tutorials would help,i'm still learning how to do stuff here.
  2. Anyone mind explaining me what's the ''Black Day'' ? Never heard of it :x
  3. Mike doesn't use Remy anymore,and who the hell is obvilion knight?
  4. ASlong as you don't go on my account and get my money *cough* berries *cough*
  5. geldaz


    Another legend going away... Will miss our times togheter... Our discussions and fights,our wars and friendships.... I'll miss you Dude... Hope you come back :XGood luck in the game of RL. Your portuguese friend =] Vou ter saudades tuas cara.Abraço.
  6. I think you should make the render more seeable. I like it in general,but I really couldn't find out what the render was until you posted a picture.
  7. It's good,but I barely can see the render.. o_o
  8. geldaz

    S> 2x Tao Gunka

    I'll buy the tao gunkas,22 coupons each. PM .Paranoia Agent.
  9. Jay :X .. The sig is to red,and the sprite doesn't match it at any costs. I really can't give any tips because you know I just started with photoshop and I'm not much good at it.Maybe try changing the sprite colour? :x Even though your char is red,red + red looks ugly in my opinion.
  10. Indeed.People who don't even PvP post on this kind of topics just to kinda ''valorize'' their friends.Most of the people mentioned can be beated by me and some other people. PS.: Maybe that's why i'm not even listed and so aren't other people like you.People are actually AFRAID to admit that we're better than them so they just won't list us. To be honest,I don't give a shit on peoples opinion anymore. I am what I am and I do what I want. Want a fair 1on1 battle? 1-800-Paranoic
  11. You asked for a answer,i'll give it with no mercy or rancor. Why you aren't in the list? Because you aren't as GOOD as you think you are. What's the matter in winning LMS ?Most people who brag ''I win lms,why i aint in tha listz nga'' can't do shit on a 1on1 fair battle... And people btw,don't post without knowing anything,most people in the lists are owned by me and other people that I know and weren't mentioned. Ps.:Another ego boosting topic.
  12. geldaz

    Buff bot poll

    That's right,but the ones who try to break in to actually care in killing the others? They usually bring a GS,spam desesp then spam ygg till emp. They usualy dont bother with the others,and go straight for the emp.
  13. geldaz

    Buff bot poll

    Now it starts to confuse me.. I voted no,the buff bots shouldnt be allowed.. But it starts to be confusing now.
  14. geldaz

    Buff bot poll

    Actually there are. In low rates and even in officials.When I still used to play iRO It was pretty comun to find Hight Priests saying ''Will be Buff whore for money'' and such stuff like that.. Do you find it fair on fighting a player that has all the buffs on the game when you'r simply doing all by yourself,and you happen to die,get fucking made fun of? I know know,Good players should always be prepared,but you gotta understend my point,that ALL the buffs in the game makes a HUGE BOOST in PvP. Buff bots is just as Hunt bots. Hunt bots beneficies the PvP too doesn't it?If you go by the fact that MOST of the hunt bots farm berries,Hunt Bots sure do help alot in matters of PvPing. I'm agaisn't the removing pre-buffs ,but I sure agreed with removing Buff bots. WoE dmg Script ?Just as Sensation said,its a hex-edit.Why would it give an edge? Even though I never used and I will never try it,I think it's the same.You,people who don't use it,still see people animations changing elementals ((When it's a elemental that does animation ofcourse)) don't you?Don't try saying it gives an edge on the damage over the emp. You can just go on ratemyserver.net ,check emp proprieties and use the correct cards acording to the information in there.And,resuming all this thing,you can get it easily. Don't take my posts kinda offensivly or don't judge me by my grammar because I'm Portuguese and I'm 13,that says enough.
  15. geldaz

    Buff bot poll

    See how you don't know a shit about what's happening? NOT all of Escape members are getting killed,actually i'm pretty much friend with Sarduarkar,and so is the rest,so we actually didn't hit him or anything like that. And this isn't about who owns who,but about Buff Bot.Let the GM's decide and lets not turn this topic into a flaming one again.
  16. Idk if it's just me,but it looks kinda simple and empty on the top. Comparing to your other works,this is the worst.
  17. Champ -Limitless -Vengefull -Dunno? Sinx -Epic -Para/Thi@go -All the nub sbers. Paladin -Thi@go -Remy ((even tho he isn't active,he just pwns)) -Dunno. LK -Sarduarkar -Dunno. -Dunno. Sniper -L2aim -L2aim -L2aim
  18. geldaz

    Buff Bots.

    Actually I'm 13 kid. You can't talk much about my age when you just blowed it straight up.You act,sound and LOOK like a 7 years old.. Even with kaizel you got owned by me. Now get some balls and don't ask your brother for help,he can try too =DLong time no see patchie. @Tick I said most,Your good but I'd really like to duel your sinx,not your *cough*spam*cough* desesperado boy.
  19. geldaz

    Buff Bots.

    I don't use WoE Damage script,and it as nothing to do with Buff bots. And blade,stop boosting your ego.Grow up some balls,and then 1on1 me ok?Same goes for MOST of your guild who can't do shit alone.
  20. geldaz

    Buff Bots.

    If you notice,only the ones using buff bots are disagreein here. *cough* sarduarkar,shadowz,tick... Like it's not enough to gang ,but come with all the buffs in the game? Seriously...It's not about how we died,cause you guys got owned. That I know Raaja,we didn't use buff bots when tick was here,atleast I don't remember so.
  21. geldaz

    Buff Bots.

    Well,MOST of us have noticed that the Escape Guild is using buff bots. they're getting auto buffed with ALL THE BUFFS IN THE GAME. Either enable this command for everyone or disable it for everyone. Vote and post your opinions,and Escape members,don't start with the flamming and the ''u gotz owned'' ok? PS.: couldn't make it poll,vote through posts.
  22. Lol I know,I'd like to know how to make the render blend more in the background..but Noone tells me,nor can I find it out.
  23. ~My first time using photoshop..no tutorials of any kind since i'm to lazy to youtube.Crit/rate and post tips so I can progress :\
  24. Well,If someone could be kiind and post a tutorial on how to make a simple signature,i'd be pretty happy. I'm new without photoshop,I'm somewhat good making the backgrounds with brushes,but I can't just make the render contrast much within the background... Any tips? Like a site for where to get renders or so..
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