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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. Solved.
  2. This should be fixed by now.
  3. 902!
  4. 898
  5. "Don' t judge others based on a preconception or first look basis"

    1. Deathina


      almost the same saying as "dont judge a book by its cover" =s

    2. Seraphine


      Yeah but this sounds better :P

    3. no1i


      l00b i spit

  6. Drum and bass of Requiem for a dream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZJGy5TbA9k
  7. Seraphine

    Hi Bros

    Hello and welcome =] If you have any questions feel free to leave me a forum pm or add me to msn [email protected], also don't hesitate to @request ingame : )
  8. Topic moved.Also don't post your username to the public. And like Danny said try reseting your position at the control panel as well i will leave this open incase your problem isn't fixed.
  9. Im good how bout you? ;D

  10. Please refrain from making off topic posts.
  11. Still having disconnection problems?
  12. Any update? Will close this if their is no reply.
  13. Trapt-
  14. Grats you deserve it man! =]

  15. 856 =]
  16. 854!
  17. Im good how bout you? ;D

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxNgn1WqeVg The song is amazing :3
  19. 851!
  20. 265,482 likes, 2,028,344 dislikes Im amazed.
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