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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Lyris

  1. Haha, (: Flattered (*winks*)

  2. The moment I saw Noir's siggy made by you, I decided to stalk your profile. Had to be honest, it was so pretty!! :D.

    So like, HI. Make me one? :P

  3. Lyris

    A New Approach

    Really glad for the positive feedback, been waiting for this (: Will do my part in the best way possible.
  4. Hi there sexay :D.

  5. Read.
  6. I've read through all the links and the messages, thank you for the reminders and heads up, Veracity. (:
  7. Lyris


    Sorry for the inactivity lately. Will step up my game.
  8. Lyris

    Must Read!

    Sent you a pm on your forums. Kindly check and let me know when you've added me. I ll accept your request.
  9. Lyris

    Must Read!

    I have Justice on both legit and GM MSN, and have just added Veracity on legit MSN, I already left you an offline IM, please let me know if you didn't get it. Thanks.
  10. Lyris

    Please Read

    got it.
  11. Posting this while at work with boss sitting right beside.

    1. Ryuk


      Oooh Bad gurl~ ;p

    2. Lyris
  12. Cabbageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  13. All the best for those who is going to apply or already sent in their apps. Just remember to answer sincerely and be honest with what expectations you'll be able to give us. Can't wait !
  14. Got it. Thank you.
  15. Noted, thanks.
  16. I know. How's life.

  17. Lol. Nice one web designer.

  18. So like, hi love.

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