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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by AsBloodRunsBlack

  1. offer me champ cape and sinx bless
  2. champ cape 1.3k thana 2.6k
  3. U online ?
  4. whats your IGN ?
  5. nao
  6. GS and ninja cape 1.8k tyrs no idea urds and freys 800-900 each ROP 1.1k - 1.2k butt wing 1k - 1.2k
  7. 1.8k clown cape 1.7k sniper cape
  8. GR 5 ea
  9. how many u got ?
  10. thana 2.5k
  11. how mch orange EMP ?
  12. IGN ?
  13. Skull Aura 1.750 pm me
  14. 600 balloon
  15. how much will i add ?
  16. 1.5 sinx cape or LK Cape + 1k = SinxBless Ring :)
  17. Thor's Hammer = 500-600 Sacred Wings = 500-800 Rops = 1k - 1.1k
  18. starting to feel the summer heat :)

  19. skull cap = champ cape offer me on thana
  20. cape + 900 ? or skull cap + 1.5k ? or Cape + LkHalb ?
  21. 25 ea TG
  22. u offer pls
  23. how mch sinx cape ?
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