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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by AsBloodRunsBlack

  1. 2k
  2. As title says leave msg here or pm me ign: AsBloodRunsBlack / Above This
  3. Sinx Bless Set 3.5k
  4. Sinx Bless ring + 300 = Sinx Cursed Jacket
  5. Sinx Bless Ring + 300 = Sinx Cursed Jacket
  6. +1 to this making magical user useless
  7. Ws Bless Jacket Set 4.2k + x2 Mforger (450)
  8. Gs Cursed Set + L.Bullets = Lokis W. Runes + 200 ?
  9. As title says leave your offers thanks :)
  10. Attacking our server Lmao ! they just been jealous to us <3
  11. 3k for Gs Cursed Set + L. Bullet Sets
  12. S/T> Gs Cursed Set + L. Bullet Set = SinxBlessSet / Clown or Gypsy Bless Set / ChampBlessSet Or offer message me here or pm me IGN: AsBloodRunsBlack
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  13. FRIGGS 1.5k Each THANA 10k Each
  14. Lokis w/ rune = orig gold zod + 1.6k
  15. 2k pm me
  16. Try to update your DRIVERS . every time you change OS make sure you update every drivers you have . then select your graphic card or the default w/c is on the top menu
  17. try to reinstall Forsaken RO and dont use any sprites
  18. what OS do you used ?
  19. move all your items on Alt + E to storage then try to reset :D
  20. sb 1300 freyr 2700
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