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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Norse_Joog

  1. 4k for purple emp retiring sale Pm me in-game Leifr
  2. but since their are players can use dummies, so i prefer PVP room kills or WOE kills will be the only considered kills
  3. it deserve it anyway, it should have low chance of dropping, coz if it has high chance of dropping, we cannot deny it but it will be farmed like your just farming seeds.
  4. Thank you! bro, by just saying " that would be a nice idea " , i'm happy for it. ^^
  5. Does any of you ever think if weapons got records like for example Icepick / Sinxcritical Players killed = 123 Emperium breaks = 456 or we can name our weapon's like " Genesis's Supercool Icepick " something like that ^^ Although It's not really useful but somehow, it might create something like " Woah!! , that weapon!! " Basically it can give " FAME" to the owner or the holder of the weapon, and if possible in the future maybe it can be use for trades and pricing of weapons. Anyone? just a suggestion ^^
  6. I think its valid enough, no harm can be done plus its helpful in bigtrades to avoid scamming +1 to this ^^
  7. + 1 Red Butterfly Aurora
  8. Create Red Butterfly Aurora please.... ^^
  9. bumping ! for Red Butterfly Aurora
  10. are those lokis sold?
  11. hey is your 2 LOkis w/rune sold?
  12. aw. sob.. closing this topic
  13. but is there a chance that i can win sir? coz i already did post last 2 weeks in facebook, i just failed to post it in forums
  14. https://www.facebook.com/Nailluj36
  15. It's me the great " Sinfjotli " everyone from 2012 - 2013 knows that, Ely, Nas or David can prove that ^^
  16. I am the best IP breaker in the server Sinfjotli no doubt, Ely back me up ^^
  17. yeah even me, the best breaker of my time " Sinfjotli " ( 2012-2013) can say Peacewalker is the best breaker ever ^^ /ggwp
  18. the rich people does, but we farmers and starters experience it a lot, and if we get banned coz of this it will affect FROs population, as for starters isn't it too early for them to get banned? since this bot checker appears out of time in the sense that it activates even in considerate or conditional situations.
  19. I was chilling down already with my warping speed, I'm just unfortunate enough to encounter this every time I hunt lucius armors for zenny at forsaken dungeon
  20. Is there anyway that BOT CHECKER won't appear by the time you warp? coz i'm having problem with this, i always encounter this like 3 times a day.. and its giving me risk. I might be banned coz of this. It appears 3 times in a row and it don't display and image to what to type, It requires me to log out when it appears by the time you are about to warp coz its not showing anything. Anyone please.. find a way, can we do a little modification on its timing.
  21. 300 im online PM ME In game TaL Rasha
  22. Norse_Joog


  23. Bumping! RED BUTTERFLY AURORA ^^
  24. i only want to reduce its diameter, having an aura so wide doesn't look good..
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