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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Norse_Joog

  1. Norse_Joog

    Sell Trade

    Sell or trade Sinx Critical sword =600 or to SniperSB+??? tokens[offer] GreenEmp = 280 or trade to PandaRS Buying SniperSB offer cheap Pm me in game Tal Rasha
  2. Is it possible to recolor red valkyrie helm? I think it would be nicer to add a little recoloring because red valkyrie helm looks like just a pink one, could it possibly can become blood or crimson red? How about that?
  3. Buying Sniper Soaring Bird..leave offer, time,date,day to transact in game
  4. Buying Sinxcritical black oriental sword = 500 leave offer or pm me in game IGN Hawk Eye..see yah..ty
  5. How about do something new to emperium aura, as i observe emperium aura is falling, specially when skull aura came out People say Skull / ROP aura is better and there it goes, Emperium Aura = very cheap, why not add something to it? Put back its reputation as the best aura.. Any one concern of emperium auras please support this... thank you
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  6. Norse_Joog


    Selling hollowRS, tao gunka card, event tokens[2:3] Pm offer IGN TaL Rasha
  7. Norse_Joog

    B> Gears

    950 for Freyrs Blade or Dorcus/Sinxcrit + PurpEmp.. PM me IGN Tal Rasha i'l be at woe later at 10
  8. Norse_Joog

    B> Gears

    Freyrs Blade 950 tokens... pm me IGN Tal Rasha
  9. Selling or Trading Sinx critical [550] or trade to dorcus or valis.. S/T> HollowRS[300] or Trade to PandaRS , PurpEmp[400] ,BlueEMp[1.6k] leave offer here or Pm me IGN Tal Rasha
  10. Norse_Joog

    S> Stuff

    Trade to HollowRS pm me IGN Tal Rasha
  11. Trade to sinxcrit Pm me,, IGN Tal Rasha
  12. Then just changed it to silver valkyrie helm..no need to put back 3 stat plus just make it new and fashionable..xD
  13. Put back +3 all stat and changed it Silver Valkyrie Helm i guess thats better
  14. yah why not make grenade launchers or other GS weaps? Bored using desperado or rapidshower..
  15. Norse_Joog


    Sir I think its time to add or do some changes about emperium auras effect, as i observe in the game, players are selling it very cheap since it was the most expensive aura before and is hard to obtain. Its not really about the price but the efforts of every player to get this aura. I think its good idea to add something like +HP% or damge to demi-humans,etc. From the name itself "emperium aura" it is obtainable only at WOE which is the biggest event in game, we all know players from every guild should take some risk and give their best shot just to get the castles that drops this items. So why not add something to this aura? Anyone concerned about emperium auras, please support this... Thank You!!
  16. Buying cheap PandaRS cheap like 450 and below.. please leave offer or Pm me in game AR-7 Beretta..Thank you
  17. How about making additional forsaken dungeons for box of storms,authorative badge,curse water,etc. i think it might help for farming activities.. Anybody agree please support this..Thank You
  18. i would like to suggest on making another additional NPC in the purpose of removing refined equipments i guess if would be useful that way because many players were avoiding players with thanatos card so removing refined equipment plus might help a little Anybody agrees my suggestion please support me.. add some Thank You!! God Bless!!
  19. 500 for PandaRS pm me IG " Power_Puff "
  20. Selling Blue Emp 2.7 k or trade to Freyr's Glimmering Sword + PurpleEmp + 1.3k tokens[offer] Leave Messege and see me in game..
  21. don't just buy the item, dont forget to Broadcast that your quitting..lol..i'm your Fan!!!
  22. I would like to suggest about emperium aura effects, i hope many would agree about emperium aura to be rotating or spinning around the character even the character is not moving, its nice to see that effects,right?, i've been thinking that for long and i happens to be really nice seeing that... Anyone who agree please support my suggestion..Thank you!
  23. I would like to suggestion looting options like, we are able to @ali 3 different items because it would much easier to hunt items specially like for example a monster drops 5 different kinds of items and you want to pick up only the 3 of it, so why make some like @ali1 "name of item 1", @ali2 "name of item 2",etc. and so fort, ali three different items sounds good to me enough. Anyone there like it plss..support my suggestion..Thank you..God Bless! FRO
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