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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Norse_Joog

  1. I would like to suggest for Improvement of the Mythical Flame Aura effects and so as Lighthalzen Aura Example ( +20 All stats, +5% magical or physical attack, less damage from demi-humans by 5% , str/dex/int + 5) Add also variety of colors for Lighthalzen Aura and to make it more popular in demand, put it in donation shop again. Post your comments please Thank you!
  2. Norse_Joog


    Buying Sniper SB and 2dexbelts.. leave IGN Selling Sacred Blue Wings 2.7k or offer trades
  3. 600
  4. you already bought Frigs?
  5. oh sorry i missed that update..xD
  6. Is there a secret quest updated in FRO now? I'm curious about it coz i didn't see usakoring hat quest on the updates and i found its NPC of making it? is there any other quest not mention in the updates? reply please...
  7. then that would be nice.. :-)
  8. Every five years of playing get a thana..xD
  9. I agree with recoloring the red valkyrie helm, the red valk helm now is more like pinkish i don't see it red like usual valkyrie helm, i prefer put a little gold color near the ears on ordinary valkyrie helm to differentiate it from the Imp
  10. I encounter this actually in game many times, heres what a happen. Theirs a player buying white dragon mask and friend of mine who has the a hat, talk to to him and dealed. The player take a look of the hat for a while, and he said " Oh, same as effect fhelm? my friend said "yeah" and the buyer said nah nvm, i' just stick to fhelm if that so, my friend said this hat is cooler if you got Imp, the buyer answere " nah, fhelm is better i can change colors"
  11. now your speaking the demand, then how is the demand of new hats now sir? why is it black cat ear hat fall to 200 from 700?. Players are are complaining about two things sir, one is the unchangeable colors and two is the new hats is just the same effect as fhelm, new valkyrie hats should be a little different than fhelm, not just the way it looks but so as the effect so, less interest of the new hats is because of the reason is just like fhelm, how would you help the interest of the new hats if players are just thinking it naturally the same as fhelm? Since this new hats is the latest update the server has, we need to make more interesting but i guess not. Players just think, its the just the same as fhelm, gtg then offline. I think the only one interested are those players who can afford Imps.
  12. Even a lots of variety sir, the interest rate at start of the release of this new hats is still less The new hats unchangeable property is discouraging players who like the fashion the most that's why they come up to stick with fhelm coz of its changeable property, for the new hats they would end up saying its just a waste of tokens, i'll just stick to fhelm, same effect and changeable in color... Was that interesting to hear?
  13. Norse_Joog


    Selling Sacred Majestic Purple Wing = 3.5 K or to other Colored Sacred Wings Like: Red/Blue/Teal/Purple/Orange+ 800 tokens or OFFER , or + Frigs Shield + 1 Fpart (A / B / C) No Pink / Gold / Green Leave IGN and offers...
  14. Sir i would like to suggest as the new Valkyrie Expansion Hats would be changeable in color, Interest rate of new Valkyrie hat equals like one out of ten(1:20) thats not a good ratio at all and lot of critics pertaining to this hat as "sucks" and expensive, and made the reason that they should stick to fhelm since its changeable, what about the people who donate for this? (people who have the most influence to keep the server alive) also known as donators, and what about the Staffs of FRO that started the idea of making the new valkyrie hats?Would it be gone useless? Its not about im done with their insults, i just want them to realize that the Staffs made this new hats made a great improvement for this server, I know everyone in the staff is making this server running good, my point here is, If we make this hat changeable in color it will increase the interest rate of this new hat and the same time will also increase the rate of donations, lets see if the players insulting this hat will not look for donators.. Thank you..!! typo, one of 20..xD (1:20)
  15. 650 for White Dragon Mask or offer 3.3k Majestic purple Sacred
  16. Norse_Joog


    Selling Sacred Teal Wing = [offer] or to Blue Sacred + ???[offer] or to Orange Sacred alone.. Leave IGN and offers..
  17. Yeah ! i agree with Aerynth, things should not go that way, like he just stated we work hard to earn those tokens. Be a man please, work it, not like begging it...
  18. Norse_Joog


    Buying Paladin black haldberd = offer or Odins Avenger Leave IGN name...and offers... Note: I'l be online later at Euro WOE just BC Simon's Panda
  19. 400 for Dragoon mask
  20. Norse_Joog


    Buying Sniper Soaring Bird [offer] 2 forsaken dexterity belts [offer] +0 forsaken king boots [offer] Leave offers please not over priced just normal leave also IGN name, or BC for TaL Rasha..Thank you!!
  21. I got Blue ROP for 500.. leave IGN name please i'l be on later and tomorrow at GVG
  22. B> Dorcus [offer] or to my LKhald+ ??tokens to those who want S>BlueROP[500] OrangeEmp[180] archRS[50] Leave IGN name...please and offers too
  23. Norse_Joog


    Buying Cheap Lord Knight Black Haldberd or Dorcus = 400 tokens or offer Leave message or IGN Note: I'll be on later at Saturday American WOE 20:00 Time server Pm or BC TaL Rasha..
  24. 70 ea part i buy +10 Fking A B C.. pM me IGN Power_Puff or BC later i'l be online
  25. How about an additional event , something like playing Crossfire or Counter-strike were two opposing teams or guilds battle for a period of time and those who kills the most wins [Total Score = Kill - Deaths] something like that, schedule would be depending on the GMs or the guild leaders. Guild leaders must talk to the hosting GMs when will be the schedule and the same time the guild leaders will inform hes/her guildmates. I think its a better way to increase FROs population, more events more active players..Right? Thank you, God Bless FRO
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