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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Norse_Joog

  1. shut up George.. just join already.. ^^
  2. I got a friend who has direct communication with the producer of SAO in Japan , he said season 3 will be Gun Gale Online.. but hes not sure when the producer will be airing it..
  3. Anyway.. its just an opinion base on my experience but not a false rumor or anything like you say.. ok you win.. /gg ^^ you heart me so bad.. /sob
  4. false rumor make no sense. It never become a false rumor in my side cause i've experience it in-game , i was once a farmer too, i farm items for quest and sell cheaper than the usual price And rich players offer me more cheaper like it turn out your motivation to farm to disappointment (discourage) , their almost ripping us out farmers. I told told them try to farm for it if you could sell it that cheaper, and what the answer ? " Nah!! i can easily donate for those items, deal or no deal? " and you think I only encountered that once? its almost everyday on the days when I was still farming.
  5. Is the next season of Sword Art Online up already? if so , can you provide me sites for me to watch.. ^^
  6. best Sonic Blow type sinx is Fernando Po Jr. , actually hes not active.. but hes called by the name Jason Eresmas
  7. Earthquake hit our place and aftershocks are more to come.. Pray for us guys.. :-(
  8. yes! it has something to do with the rich players , coz most of the rich players were the one rejecting it and that would cause to the GMs to look for majority of the decisions
  9. most of the german guilds had fallen in the past already. Try Endeavor I think their leader is a german
  10. yeah those are good modifications but i think it would be more convenient to make it , +20 all stat . +5% HP , and retain the 10% reducts , then add it on donations ^^
  11. yeah!! it's always rejected because most of the players now are rich, and are lazy to farm items for quest , they think they don't have to do it since their rich already
  12. Norse_Joog


    Trading Sinx bless ring + Sinxcritical Orig to Sinxcurse + Friggs + fsold.. Leave messege Pm me IGN TaL Rasha
  13. or change the reducts to 5% HP or physical damage and +20 all stat
  14. Please include the improvement of mythical flame aura this coming update please I know this is suggested before but , still doesn't give changes..
  15. Just the time I logged in I already heard the rumors that a regular player who applied as GM is abusing hes GM powers and that made the 1 hit Emp break during the last EURO WOE Is it true? cause currently players are flooding the Broadcaster now As far as I remember , abusing GM powers I think has already happen before but I'm not sure since I just heard it from players. Actually it was the Indestructible Emp by the guild " Dignified ". We clearly see before that it was attack by more than 20 breakers from different guilds including Bravery,etc. and never broke once till the time of WOE is over. Can you take actions for this matter please coz hearing 1 Hit Emp break sounds really unfair.
  16. +1 to it , it's nice suggestion it's like paying taxes for the hideouts, in that way guild leaders will be force to take their part as leaders to maintain it, rather than just sitting at Emp , command the guildies and enjoy the drops. And hopefully no outsiders can warp the guild hideouts and this annoying things, make it exclusive for the guild members only. And about the buffer? , simply don't add the buffer on it since its simply overwhelming OVERPOWER..!! , I tried it using before when I joined LOLI Kingdom and it made my GS strong enough to defend a castle alone. OMG!!
  17. Buying Friggs King Shield = 700 tokens I'll be on tomorrow at WOE August 5
  18. Is this sold? 1k pure toens for it sir, i'll be on later 4 hours from now.. by the time a arrive home.. now is 5:00 Pm here.. so i'll be on like like 9:00
  19. If your the breaking a defenseless castle of course there is no challenge even its HP is higher or not, my purpose of reverting back the Emp HP is to give the big guild a purpose to defend seriously coz if the HP is that high even if it is like10-15 mins before WOE ends, big guild will just gonna enjoy there waiting for someone to come, since no one dares providing the info for example PRT castle defended by RTF guild , it sounds like impossible since its heavily guarded and there, the result would be no ones coming in and gets boring. Is that a challenge to you? thats taking advantage it never become a challenge. Challenges for both sides would be fair enough carrying a fair burden for both guilds opposing during WOEs It should gonna be like this : Low HP Emp for big guilds to defend (Defending Guild) VS Big guild defended castle for a small guild to break (Opposing or Challenging guilds) That's fair enough
  20. you disagree coz you enjoy the econ now, and Juan why is it always to be you? your not even playing..
  21. yeah its boring really specially now higher emp HP its really boring.. more HP more advantage to big guilds to defend, big guild with great advantage by numbers all ready plus a high HP Emp to defend I think WOE is boring , you guys try before you say -1 or disagree on that suggestion, your not even active or playing now a days. plus big guilds allied, so whos the enemy now? BORING right? even your members keep saying it..
  22. +1 how about making separate log for that so there will be no complains of flooded chat box since currently we have already a regular log and battle log, make another log for killing streaks
  23. you did not understand, the challenge i mean is for the defending, i think it would be fair enough if not only the contending guild would have a challenge. Big guilds are big so with just a small or solo guild as contender do you think thats fun? Even you in your big guild some of your guildies say " this WOE is boring no ones coming in "
  24. so you fear a small guild or a solo breaker with the big guild you have, isn't that challenging?
  25. You can't say its challenging since your in the position of defending. But just to make it fair, the reducing of HP could give challenges too for the defending guild and I think your not dumb enough to let a small guild or a solo breaker take your castle.
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