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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Manifest

  1. Q: A: You obtain a Speed Potion Pass for the amount of time you selected. Once that time is over, it will disappear, regardless if you are logged on or not. You "use" the item like any other consumable. Doing so does not use up the item, it simply warps you to the Speed Potion hunting grounds. You may reuse it over and over so you can warp around the map. You will find Poring-type mobs that drop Concentrated Speed Potions (Item ID: 15806, double the duration of the item "Speed Potion") at a low rate. These mobs are plentiful and even if the rate is low, you will receive a lot of the potions in due time. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I am unable to take screenshots at the moment, may I suggest giving the Speed Potion Pass a try and see for yourself? :) Any other questions?
  2. So they're fine resurrecting in normal LMS/NDLMS? Personally it's fine for me but some players bring it up a lot. I'd like to think the res is a part of the Super Baby arsenal of skills.
  3. Guild dead, so is the thread. Please do not revive old topics. If the guild leader comes back, contact me if you want to re-open recruiting, and this thread.
  4. In my opinion, Lord Knights did not lose anything. I don't consider over-powered accidents to be legitly in place, that's just me though. A slight damage boost would be alright coming from bigger weight, after all it does make sense that the Halberd should be heavier than the Elite counterpart. On the autocast suggestion though, I'd have to disagree on my part. Snipers used to have better strip capabilities, i.e., ranged strip, which screwed you up badly, and from a distance. Their strip now is counter-intuitive, after all, they have to be at melee range. For Clowns, they autocast their own skill, now noticeably at a lower rate when attacking as I experience.
  5. The bad thing about removing the WoE mechanic of damage reduction is newbies will virtually have 0 chance in surviving anywhere. For some, WoE is the only PvP event they enjoy and I don't feel too nice about taking that away from them. :/ I like Nines' suggestion about the mini-hideout sort of thing, with it having the basic possible buffs buffer. It would help the guilds who try to defend during WoE as well, especially if they get killed and have to come back. And of coure, the time in between WoE days. And yes, I do agree with reinstating the strong Guardians too. P.S. I hope my post looks normal, doing it on mobile. Lol.
  6. OK GOT IT! Info's good.
  7. It's fine, you aren't supposed to see it.

  8. Try downloading Sensation's updated client release(s). You might need 7-zip to open the file. Worth a shot if you've done everything you could! Let us know if you've solved your problem.
  9. Ladder cheater: Green Emperium Aurora Proof: Ticket Just so it's logged in this thread.
  10. Manifest


    As Genesis may have implied, this has been accepted before (here), therefore work is being done on it. It sounds really interesting though, especially with the pace of PvP we have here. Try to keep the input towards ideas for the mechanics, and we'd leave this open. Normally it gets sent to the Accepted/Rejected (accepted before, that is,) but I feel we can grab a few ideas from the players. :)
  11. Will be looked into, thanks for your report!
  12. The Valk Helm (or Forsaken King's Helm, as it is also called in the server,) only renders you immune to freeze if you're wearing the whole set, with the exception of the Shield. (Helm, Armor, Cloak, Boots) A Clown has ways around most cards/equipment that renders a user immune to freeze (except for one item in which myself thinks is too advantageous) by stripping (High DEX) or breaking (Tarot, or armor-break cards/equips,) but that is easily countered by FCP. In 1v1 situations I find it more "useless" but during WoE, there's a lot of players who are not as ready as you think they are, therefore no FCP, or worse, wearing equipment without freeze immunity. Overall, Frost Joker is still one of their useful, conditional skills. I think it's alright.
  13. I disagree with double, triple, and quadruple posting. The "Edit" button is there for a reason. Please do not do it again! Posts merged.
  14. Do not revive old topics.
  15. Try the client releases Cirrus linked in his reply, here. Let us know if that solves your problem.
  16. Manifest

    [Solved]Devi Hat

    Yes, it's 15% demi-human reduction. Closed.
  17. As I said in your other topic, file a ticket here or contact @Genesis directly (add him on any applicable messenger service you have,) for any concerns. Details are available on his profile. Also, re-send an e-mail to [email protected] to facilitate your case.
  18. This is not the proper section, therefore your first post was moved here. Please check your topics from your profile under the "Topics" tab before posting another one. We have no reason to delete your topic.
  19. If you've done all the necessary steps, all you have to do is be patient and wait for your donation to be processed. In any case, if you have more concerns, please take it to our Ticket System, or talk to @Genesis via messenger.
  20. Manifest


    Ryuk has answered this. IIRC, there's no percentage in a Boss Protocol flag. It's either it's a Boss Protocol monster or it's not. Solved, closed.
  21. Moved to the correct section. I'll take a look at the Hopping Filir. Is there any other Vote Reward that you have concerns with? Update: The Hopping Filir works as intended. Double Attack will not show yellow numbers on the top of a player's head when being hit, and if it works on monsters it would certainly work on players. It might not show that it has a slot, but when you try to slot a headgear card, the Hopping Filir will show up in the selection window. I decarded successfully as well. Again, is there any other Vote Reward that you have concerns with?
  22. Thread is ancient, please don't revive old threads. If you have a question, post a new one. Closed.
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