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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Okay im gonna make sure to PM you when i went online :) The Person Above me is farming chivs :3
  2. Really? O.o whats your IGN? :) The Person Above Me wants to talk to me :3
  3. Welcome to the Server Tae! :)
  4. Unfortunately, You cannot because their not Tradeable. and you cant trade them for other tokens either, their use is for you to save them and then buy a headgear at Trader -> Token Trader -> Activity Tokens.
  5. Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do. <3

  6. God! Brushing my long hair isn't that easy =.= that is why im always late :3 The Person Below Me loves Animes <3
  7. The Person Above Me and The Person Above Him are in a relationship <3
  8. ME!!!!!!!!! :D
  9. Welcome to the Server john! ;)
  10. They are called 9 realms because all of the items you need are 9 :3
  11. Welcome to the Server Billie ;)
  12. Ya but im kinda confuse on this one: Legendary SinX and Legendary Sinx Blade can no longer be worn together.
  13. I dont know about Remember Me, but he usually just try and random people :/ he even hits me :/ I double-checked and Ninja Boy really is in the guild but i have never seen him yet joining us in our guild events/hanging out at base etc. and about Exausted, well he has already been dealt with :) he is now at Undefeated Guild though :3
  14. Foe Fear or Pain?
  15. Usui and Milky sitting on a tree.. K-I-S-S-I-N-G <3 >:) FUHAHAHA! :D
  16. Welcome to the Server ;) Congratulations on becoming a forsaken knight :) What i did before when i was a newbie is to farm some items for somebody, then once i have atleast 3 tokens, i use my high wizard to farm at the seed room (note: to get to seed room you need 3tokens.. fcity(@go 25) -> Trader (left side of town) -> Renter NPC -> Seed Room -> pay 3 tokens and POOF you got your seed room pass :) Put your Seed Room pass at your hotkeys and use it to enter the seed room, use it to warp also inside the seed room :) Tip: type @alootid 608 so you can loot only the yggdrasil seeds instead of the cards :) 500 yggdrasil seeds cost 1token.. their too easy to get though, there are tons of mobs inside the seed room :) Hope i helped ;)
  17. Welcome to the Server! ;)
  18. If not, then the GMs should fix it :3 since they announced that they shouldn't be used together.
  19. Victoria

    The Story Game

    *TING* .. We shall eat the coco crunch! then Victoria, Usui, LOCK and Milky prepared their plates with their forks and knives on their hands, El was shocked! he thought that he can scare all of them but instead, he is the one that got scared! all of the crew rushed to El, El run as fast as he can then..
  20. Its okay :) Good Luck! :D
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