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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. That was a mistake, but unfortunately it can't be changed now. /: We'll have to add the Imperial helms too, I guess.
  2. A 1 vs. 1 PvP room would be far too problematic/abusable, so no. - Rejected -
  3. We will unlock this topic on two conditions. First, people do not try to report players they believe are cheating. Second, that people do not complain when the ladder will be updated, etc. If people start doing either of those again, we will just close the topic and will not consider reopening it. - Accepted -
  4. Veracity

    What I Noticed

    The second suggestion could be problematic... your broadcast still appears, even if someone BCs immediately after, so I do not really find this necessary. Your first suggestion has been suggested before, and we're not able to do that at the current time. - Rejected -
  5. We will look into doing something like this, thanks to everyone for all of the suggestions/ideas in this topic. We will do our best, but there's no guarantees as to whether or not this is completed and implemented. - Accepted -
  6. We'll consider it, or better yet add ACTUAL valkyrie weapons which were fully intended for the class instead of a temporary substitute (which is exactly what the WS and creator sword was, as already stated multiple times.) - Accepted -
  7. I don't think this is possible/viable at this time, but we MIGHT add it in the future if we think it will be beneficial. - Rejected -
  8. We are not going to make any more edits to the valkyrie weapons unless serious balance issues are brought to our attention or if there are bugs that need to be fixed, so all of the valkyrie weapon changes are Rejected. I will accept this however so we can take your suggestions for new weapons into consideration when adding them, and also for the misc. suggestions you mentioned. - Accepted -
  9. Original suggestion: As people have already said, making these changes would really discourage players from playing the sniper class and have negative repercussions on gypsy/bard and stalkers. About the creator suggestion: We could look into lowering the weight for AD bottles, but Genesis claims it isn't possible to make it so it would be unlimited. - Rejected -
  10. Veracity

    Kitty Claws

    Some of what is being suggested here will (possibly) be addressed in future valkyrie weapon releases, but we will NOT change the kitty claws. - Rejected -
  11. Veracity

    Guild Of The Hill

    We'll see if this can be done and consider adding it, but I don't know how likely it is it will be implemented or how soon it would be. - Accepted -
  12. Most people seem to be against this and I don't think this is really necessary or practical now. - Rejected -
  13. Things have changed a lot since this was originally posted, and I realize the discussion went on again til January 2011... but most of what is being suggested here are things that we can't do right now because it would require source edits. I'm not sure it would even be a good idea now anyway, even if it could be done it would likely be rejected anyway since what's being discussed here isn't really viable or sensible at this moment. Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion, though. - Rejected -
  14. Veracity

    New Event

    Going to accept this for now, we'll take a look over everything and see what we can do! Thanks for your suggestions to everyone who posted here. - Accepted -
  15. Most people seem to be against changing this and I personally do not see the need to. I think snipers are a much more balanced class than they were before, and we should focus on improving other classes that still need help instead of nerfing those we've already helped. - Rejected -
  16. Since no one has posted in this for a long time, and as Xtopher said, reducts have been altered, I'm going to close/reject this. If you would like for this to re-opened, then feel free to PM me. - Rejected -
  17. Veracity


    We're keeping all of the castles we have right now. People have already provided more than enough legitimate reasons as to why this shouldn't be changed. - Rejected -
  18. Sure, we can do something like this. - Accepted -
  19. Moving this to accepted.
  20. Hi, we're in the process of uploading it. (: Please try to be patient until then!
  21. You will automatically get it in your inventory. (: And no, for now it will remain at the same time. It may change later though.
  22. We're going to be adding more event/vote items next update as well, hopefully, so we're more than open to suggestions for specific sprites you'd like to see added. (: I will give a little hint though and say we are saving some really awesome new items for the new reward system that's coming up. What do you mean by "make it pvp wise"?
  23. No. If you get first place, you get 10 tokens, which is enough to get any PvP ladder wing of your choice. If you get 2nd and 3rd, you can either redeem the 2nd and 3rd place boxes which are the same as before, OR you can save up the tokens until you have enough for a pair of wings. This makes it so 2nd and 3rd place can eventually get wings, not only the 1st place. Edited the first post to try to make that more clear. If anyone has more questions, feel free to ask.
  24. Remember to patch! If you haven't patched and you're in for_fild01 or the PvP room and the DoTA system is activated, you will error out.
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