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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. We are currently working on the latest update, it should be finished soon! (:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Veracity


      Battlegrounds won't be added this update, unfortunately. It will be added in the near future though =P

    3. Danny



    4. Poringly


      Event and Vote pls. ;-;~

      I alrdy hab all the current vote & event item we got. :c

  2. Yeah, people have suggested this before and we are planning on implementing it. I'll close this and move it to the accepted section. (:
  3. Very nice job! I'm looking forward to reading the rest. (:
  4. Should be all set now. (:
  5. "Our router's firmware is currently being updated."
  6. Hi ya'll, Our router's firmware is currently being updated. It should be back up shortly. Sorry if this causes any convenience!
  7. Thank you for taking the time to write a review. (: If you've already written a review awhile ago (about 6 months ago or more), please delete your old one and write a new one! Just the few new reviews we've gotten have already made a significant difference in our ranking, if more players would take the time to review us it would be even better.
  8. You can delete your old one and write a new one, the new one should count. (:
  9. Thank you to people who have reviewed (:! I think it's based on your IP, so you could do one from work and one from home or your friend's house, etc.
  10. Bumping this thread because this is just ridiculous. Servers with only 20-40 players have more reviews than we do on RMS. It's just sad. If you've reviewed before, your review probably has expired so please spare a few minutes of your time and help us out. Write a review for us! After all of the countless hours we put in to provide you guys with the best RO experience possible, I think every one of you should be able to spare a MINUTE OR TWO of your time to write a review.
  11. If you haven't already, please take the time to write a review for us: http://tinyurl.com/forsakenreview Despite our large population, we are only #18 on RMS.

    1. OrlineXD


      Ohw. Okay sir what's a MTCN? name of your account the characters name? or the username of our account?

    2. Veracity


      MTCN is the transaction number for Western Union. And you provide the username of your account. Let me know if you have any other questions (:

    3. OrlineXD


      Okay. Thank you very much :))

  12. We'll look into changing the +35 STR to something that's more useful, but there is no guarantee it will be changed. It probably wouldn't be 20% more to SC damage, but we will do testing and decide at a later date. - Accepted -
  13. If you want to report someone for attempted scamming, please file a ticket with the required information and screenshots for proof.
  14. Please make a ticket about this with all of the required information.
  15. joniele, I responded to your ticket already.
  16. Recently, some players have been messaging players giving them a link to a website that claims to be a part of ForsakenRO (ForsakenRO Rewards) and asks for your account and password. THIS WEBSITE IS NOT ENDORSED BY US OR IN ANY WAY AFFILIATED WITH FORSAKENRO. Our web address is http://www.forsaken-ro.net, all official websites will have that address. No matter how similar it looks to our website, NEVER ENTER YOUR INFORMATION INTO IT. This is a scam to get player's account information, hack them, and steal their items. Please warn everyone you know about this and NOT to do it. If you've been contacted by someone about the website, please report their name in a ticket.
  17. Veracity


    - Accepted -
  18. If the BG you're referring to is Battlegrounds, we do not have that implemented here yet, but it will be sometime in the near future. We don't have 3rd classes either due to the imbalances/bugs associated with them, but we do have an optional patch that will replace the current sprites with the 3rd class sprites. We also are not using Harmony. I believe everyone else has answered the rest of your questions, if you have any more please feel free to ask! (:
  19. I think the card suggestions are great. Now we should probably focus on suggesting other drops for the mobs, unless the cards are the only things you want them to drop. The sooner information like this is suggested/decided on, the sooner we can start working on this.
  20. This isn't the place for this. If you genuinely want to know how much they're going for, you can post in the price check section of the forums. If you're trying to make a point about the changes made to the ladder, you can post in the suggestion thread. Thanks. (:
  21. Closing this since I'm assuming Ryuk's solution worked. If you are still having issues, please create another topic.
  22. Since the original poster hasn't replied, I'm assuming the problem was fixed. Closed.
  23. Veracity

    [Solved]Fro Exe.

    Hi, are you still having this issue or were you able to resolve it?
  24. Glad that you were able to fix the problem! Closed.
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