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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. - Accepted -
  2. - Rejected -
  3. We'll look into this, thanks for your suggestion! - Accepted -
  4. We'll take these effects and discussion into consideration when developing new Valkyrie weapons. Thanks for everyone who contributed! - Accepted -
  5. We're going to look into implementing this. Thanks for your suggestion. - Accepted -
  6. Veracity

    Soul Linker

    1 - Already been accepted before multiple times. 2 - We're working on something so this will no longer be an issue. 3 - No, it's like that way for a reason. Not only is it unnecessary to change this, it would require complicated source edits. 4 - We'll take this into consideration. - Accepted -
  7. We'll look into this, though I'm not sure how soon we'll be adding more weapons for gypsy/clown because I think they are one of the better off classes. We'll test it out though before any decision is made. - Accepted -
  8. Veracity

    Novice Bag.

    We'll look into doing this and test it out. Thanks for your idea! - Accepted -
  9. We'll take this into consideration and test it out, most likely we'll make some changes. Thanks you everyone who shared their ideas. - Accepted -
  10. - Accepted - We will take these into consideration, however, some changes may be made. Thanks for your input!
  11. Veracity

    Ares' Edge

    Yeah, I always wonder that too. It's not just this server, it's a LOT of RO servers. I guess it's because not a lot of people are that familiar with Norse mythology, which is too bad. It's pretty bad ass. Not really sure what you're talking about, only a couple of the updates have been based on Norse mythology... really, only the storyline is, and that isn't all encompassing to the server and it's been almost a year since that was implemented... Anyways, concerning the suggestion: I like the idea, and think this is a great starting point. We will test this out and make revisions most likely. Thank you for your suggestion! - Accepted -
  12. - Accepted - We'll test this out extensively before deciding whether or not to implement it. I do agree that Stalkers shouldn't be the number one priority for us now, however. They're fairly versatile and there are many other classes that need attention much more than Stalkers do. So while we will look into this more, it doesn't mean it will be anytime soon.
  13. - Accepted - (for consideration) We're most likely going to disable parties in the PvP room but permit them elsewhere.
  14. Veracity

    Voting Tokens

    People don't vote enough and rarely do they actually take the few extra seconds to make the vote count, so no. We're not going to give more bonuses since very few people actually support the server like they should. Maybe if we were a higher rank, we would do this. - Rejected -
  15. Veracity

    Storage On Woe

    We're going to take this into consideration, I wouldn't rule it out. However, this does NOT mean it's going to happen, the staff is just going to discuss it in more detail. - Accepted - (for consideration)
  16. Veracity

    Ninja Stones

    We can either make it so it won't consume it or reduce the weight of the stones.. we just need to look into what is possible and makes the most sense. We'll look into the issue with creator's AD bottles as well, though I'm not sure if anything can be done. In the future, stay on topic of the original suggestion. This was about ninjas, not creators. - Accepted -
  17. Veracity

    Flower Aura

    We're not going to change the cost or the effect of the aura, we already reduced the price quite a bit. As people explained, it used to be a donation item and also, it is a better looking item than FBH. Prices are not only determined by usefulness, but also how good the item looks. - Rejected -
  18. As others have already said, the range of FAS is exactly how it was intended to be on RO. Editing it would require a source edit, which frankly isn't worth taking the risk. I don't think in this case a nerf is the right solution, either... so unfortunately, not much can be done for the time being. - Rejected -
  19. Ryuk basically said everything there is to say about this. We're going to try to do more for SG/SL/TK and other classes, but this isn't a necessary change. - Rejected -
  20. Veracity


    We're working on a better alternative to this currently. Thanks for your suggestion, though. - Rejected -
  21. Veracity

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome to the server, Ioder! I'm glad to hear you like it here so far! As others have said, if you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with any of the staff. You might also want to check out this guide for new players on the wiki, it should answer a lot of the questions you have when starting out. Happy playing! (:
  22. All of the guides have been moved to the wiki, I believe this is what you're looking for.
  23. Okay, we'll look into this. Thank you for letting us know about it. (:
  24. You'll have to be more clear on what is different. It should be what the description on the forums said.
  25. That was a typo, it is 13%. We'll fix it soon.
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