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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. Epic adventures are always fun! Welcome to the server David. If you have any questions or just want to chat, you should swing by the help desk in go 25 when you're all set up. :)
  2. Excited to finish this update! I bet you guys are going to love it. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xXxHowlxXx


      I cant wait :3 If scarlet is excited the so am I. :D

    3. Rayray


      every update you guys do i like it anyway

    4. thePast


      Hm, this one is fast. xD

  3. No worries, there is! Just warp to fcity 155 117 and you should be right in front of the reset room where the NPC is. :)
  4. Welcome to the server! If you have any questions, feel free to stop by the help desk in go 25. :) Happy playing!
  5. You can't trade activity tokens, but you can redeem them for Activity items in the Trader room in Forsaken city. :)
  6. No problem, sorry for the inconvenience. :)
  7. Yes, we removed the effect because a) it was a Saint Patrick's day seasonal item b) there was a bug with the effect which no one reported for a very long time (aka, bug abuse!).
  8. It not giving the bonus may be intentional, I'm not sure. However, it should give the same stats as the equipment itself. The helm is supposed to be a Valkyrie helm, not an Imperial, so of course it doesn't give the extra +3 all stats. ;) That was an error, the description will be corrected.
  9. You post a ticket there with the information required. It's listed on the guild pack page on the wiki. You then file a ticket at the link I gave you. Yes, I am sure. :)
  10. Welcome! You can apply for a guild pack here: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=tickets Please let us know if you have any questions!
  11. You guys can already get 10 vote points per day, I think that's plenty and more than a lot of other servers. We do sometimes increase the rates already too...
  12. Yes, that's right... we're looking for some new Event Game Masters to welcome to our team! Applications close on November 17, 2012. For more information about applying, please check the Applications topic. All applications should be sent to [email protected]. Please note that you should not apply unless you can host at least 1 event every 2 days. If you have sent in your application previously, please re-submit it during the next week to ensure it will be reviewed. Good luck to everyone, we look forward to reading your applications!
  13. Add Genesis to MSN at [email protected] or any one of his contacts, he will help you out. :)
  14. We're an American server and just had daylight savings time recently, so if you live in a country that doesn't account for DST then you may have to make adjustments. WoE has always been at 20:00 server time / 8 PM EST and that time hasn't changed. If you're confused, go by @time in game.
  15. People have been saying the time has changed, but this is 100% false. All WoEs will be held at their normal times. Please tell everyone you know incase they are under the impression the time has changed. If you're confused, check the server time in game by typing @time. Thanks!
  16. Haha nice name! Welcome to the server, and if you ever need help or just want to say hi, feel free to swing by the Help Desk in go25! :) Good luck and happy playing!
  17. Hi Carl! Welcome to the server. As coffe break said, you'll definitely want to start with the Knight quest. After that, I would recommend: - legendary weapons quest - legendary zodiac aurora - either legendary avian or legendary sacred wing quest - legendary gauntlet quest If you do all of those, you'll be fully geared with great equipment that rivals our donatable items. :)
  18. We removed it because no one really used it and it seemed like another thing that made it more complicated/confusing for new players. I was the one that came up with the idea for it originally, so I can see how it would be helpful. If people feel it would be beneficial to new players, we can re-add it.
  19. The stats have already been added on the test server, they'll be implemented with the next patch or update, which is coming up soon! :)
  20. Hi Tekonis, you just need to reset your password now. :) It's all set. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  21. Veracity

    Custom Mobs

    10%, except for Thanatos which is 1%.
  22. It's in the knight hall next to the Forsaken Castle in Forsaken City.
  23. Welcome to the server! :D If you ever have any questions, please feel free to stop by the help desk in go 25. Good luck and happy playing! :)
  24. Welcome Haruya! :) If you have any questions, feel free to stop by the help desk in game. Good luck and happy playing! :)
  25. Noir did a great job of answering your question, but welcome to the server! Looking forward to seeing you in game. :)
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