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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. If you're erroring in the quest room, it's because you need the all in one. Once you download and install that, you won't error anymore. :)
  2. There are no taxes on donation items. You are in no way required to donate, you can obtain the items in game without donating. If you feel like it's a waste of money, then you don't need to donate. It's for people who want to help the server or really want an item without having to work hard for it in game. It's really up to you and what you feel most comfortable with. :)
  3. Daryll, Genesis will upload the manual patch ASAP today. He'll post here when he has. Sorry for the inconvenience. :(
  4. Daryll are you using the latest patcher? (It should be purple.)
  5. Please help the server and write a review! http://tinyurl.com/forsakenreview <3

  6. You really need to list any and all problematic items. Suggestions need to be specific.
  7. What's your account name? I can validate it for you.
  8. Welcome, Griffin! fRO will make a great new home for you! There's lots of friendly people especially on the forums. If you ever have any questions or need any help feel free to PM me or leave a message at the help desk. :)
  9. We don't have anyone that can sprite so you really need to suggest existing sprites.
  10. You guys do realize that if we make it easier to get zeny, it will just further devalue zeny... right? Some people keep trying to twist these arguments and use words they don't understand just because they're greedy and lazy and want everything to be super easy. Since adding automated events, there is a CONSTANT influx of tokens (every 2 hours). We were also planning to do a token special as well. It isn't that hard to obtain zeny currently, you just need to put work in. I'll discuss this with Genesis, but really, this just seems like it is motivated by other things than necessity. Just because it's good for you does not mean it is good for the server as a whole. As GMs, we think long term for everyone, while most players think only of themselves in the short term.
  11. We aren't going to be switching to the renewal interface at this time.
  12. We'll be doing something to help with this shortly. :)
  13. Nope, not being changed. As already explained, it's for the @noks command to help newbies. The PvP rooms are for people who wish to ladder. There are hundreds of other maps people can casually PvP on for fun, and this map is NOT the only one.
  14. We were planning on adding guide NPCs in there and such, but if people have specific suggestions that would be nice too.
  15. Veracity


    Where were you when you get this error and does it repeatedly happen? You need to provide us with more information than copy pasting the error message, it's actually pretty useless in finding out why the error happens.
  16. This has already been suggested, please check the suggestions before making a new one, thank you! :)
  17. Please help the server and write a review! http://tinyurl.com/forsakenreview <3

  18. As Gen already said, we'll be fixing those issues next update, so don't worry! :) He is working on it right now and I'm working on some new storyline quests.
  19. This belongs in a ticket. Also, it is extremely unlikely you were "hacked" unless you shared your account information. 99.999999999% of the time, no one actually gets "hacked" here, people just give out their info even when we tell them not to.
  20. We'll keep this event in mind when we implement more events, thanks! :)
  21. This would be a lot of work and very involved to do and honestly isn't worth it. I'd rather we spend our time adding new quests, improvements, etc. rather than something like this when people already have the option of using the 3rd job sprites.
  22. Please suggest effects for them.
  23. We already have this event, and it's hosted for special occasions. :)
  24. Already implemented this, thanks for your suggestion. We'll keep the event idea in mind when we add more events.
  25. Not enough support for this, sorry!
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