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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Sheeque

  1. prices dropped in my shop guys . propa clearout qq

    1. Nadtorious


      Look who it is ...

  2. /ho ~ b> vitality belt :rolleyes:
  3. hiyee daltonnnnnnnnnnn ! welcome back <3
  4. Creativity 4 Technical 5 Execution 2 Aesthetic 3 I vote for cand 7 , Poringly . the idea's unique , appeals to a wider group of people given chocolate as the subject :-) . from looking at the original image , the candidate's developed it pretty well eg made it more classy with the art noveau influence . good choice of theme color , very much relating to the subject ( chocolate ) . downside : too busy and i'd second meka's opinion on how the outlines werent edited very well . text is plain , too bold and symmetrical - doesnt suit main design .
  5. Sheeque

    My New Siggies.

  6. okay , ill be second then . LOL
  7. updated . prices dropped ( items in green font ) i is online nao , pm me ing for offers ~
  8. Sheeque

    My New Siggies.

    :-O , Baby ! Make me one :-D Special one plox :rolleyes:
  9. Sheeque


    Hi , welcome :-D . Ooh i remember the first time i played Fro . i had the exact same questions as you xD So uh . if youve any worries / questions whatsoever , dunt hesitate to ask other players / gms :-D
  10. Sheeque

    Hello Friends

    Lol @ Timmy . Hey manny , welcome to the server . No doubt youll enjoy it here ;-D
  11. Sheeque

    Hi :3

    Heyy der :-D , Welcome to the server . Hope you enjoy it here xD Weve got gms and helpful players that are always around to help :-)
  12. Omg i love the guy . i mean , movie * ive just watched the trailer though , care to share the dl'ed version ? :-D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sheeque


      i am a filipino ;-D

      :-)))) just a rock song i adore listening to whatever mood im in . Uhm Btw , how did you know this was flilipino :-O

    3. -R e i

      -R e i

      because I am also ;D

    4. Sheeque


      :-O . Foreal ??

  14. Omga , it was yer birthday on january :-O

    Hai der bebe !!

  15. HAI DANNEH :-D

  16. ive got 99 problems and da _ aint one .

    1. Cerule


      Sheeeeeque :D

    2. Perishable
    3. Danny


      B______________________________ and HAI BARBS, WASSUP?

  17. tomorrow im gunna kos myself .

  18. updated ~
  19. but its dodgy :-| but shouldnt it show the back bit if im facing back ? not the side o.o
  20. so , i think dis should be fixed :-/ note : all the other necrohoods are fine except for red .
  21. updated :rolleyes:
  22. Sheeque

    B> Gvh

    170 pure tokens / 150 + Gloom Card . leave offers o pm ing ( Sheeque )
  23. LOL maybe i should go buy one , to please the ladies :rolleyes:
  24. asdasdasdasdasda

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