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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Sheeque

  1. UPDATED ~
  2. Ita im in need of YOUR help ;-)
  3. Sheeque

    Hi Fro

    Hey :3 , Welcome to teh server . Im sure youll have fun here kai ;-)
  4. until one day kouch lagged because of the great baby skoll's will to defeat his unearthly powers , this triggered the beginning of a long server maintenance ... then the name kouch was not forgotten but scarred onto his hater's skulls , ( now sold in go 0 and go 5 by barbs' anonymous merchant characters ) .
  5. :o ! I seee :-D

    Leos ftw :3

  6. SRW [ 3.3 Tokens ] / Leave Desired Price Pink Butterfly Wings [ 27 Tokens ] / Leave Desired Price LEAVE PRICE & ING CHARS .

    1. plotus2
    2. Sheeque
    3.  Ita


      DH> Pink Butterfly Wings.

      DH = Don't have...Sowwieh. D:

  8. Sheeque

    Hello Everyone

    welcome to teh server :-D you not gonna regret choosing tis server :-) it hab lots of noice people like ITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :-D
  10. then smeay choked on kouch's bench sized leg bone and noticed yeung giving whats left of the cookies (crumbs) an evil stare , THE evil stare ! * ten ten tennnn !! *
  12. Sheeque

    I Draw Stuff.

    soooo sweeet <3 ___ <3
  13. Sheeque

    Red Ruckie

    deng i was love @ first sight on the king/queen sets . i reckon we should do somefink like dat :3 bebe bloooo . red rucky is perfect for ma outfit :3
  14. Lmao crappy ass song . she a justin beiber wanna be :-O
  15. Sheeque

    2012 ?

    Lndons starting to turn like Libya :-D Maybe its the first letter :-O All cities that start with L will end up in a total massacre ;-) @Timmy + Apo . LMFAO :-)))) nioce :3
  16. because i explain like this sometimes :3
  17. LMFAOOOOOOO . omga he reminds me of lupin the III :-))))
  18. nines finally got to kouch and rode on his back like a high cowboy
  19. ^ i second annie . @ som ;-)
  20. when bong kouch was lookin fo fights he tripped over on a stone called the barbs stone so he ..
  21. you still need fhelm ?
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